A Pro Tip for Quadrupling Your BTC


The price of Bitcoin has been in freefall recently, having already dropped below 50K, from its peak of over 63K less than two weeks ago, and it looks like the BTC bull run may be coming to an end. 

So, what can you do to profit from the Bitcoin you own, tripling and even quadrupling your earnings, without the risks that come from trading on the highly volatile crypto market?

The solution has been provided by ArbiSmart, an EU regulated, fully automated crypto arbitrage platform, with a native token, RBIS that has already risen in value by 350% since it was introduced just two years ago.  

So, let’s take a look at why hedge funds, investment firms and retail investors alike are turning to crypto arbitrage, and ArbiSmart specifically, as an investment home for their crypto, and why market professionals are anticipating such a steep upward trajectory for the nascent RBIS token.

RBIS Current and Future Utility

An evaluation of any token’s potential for sustained growth will depend on the value of the solution offered by the company that created it. The offering must fill a gap in the market and provides a valuable, high quality product or service that functions smoothly and reliably, while pushing the technological envelope.

In this respect RBIS ticks all the boxes. Let’s begin by taking a look at what crypto arbitrage is, how it works and how ArbiSmart’s AI-based, machine learning algorithm is contributing to developments in the crypto space.

Crypto arbitrage is a particularly low risk investment strategy favored by financial institutions, corporations and individuals because it offers the speed and profitability of digital currency investing, without exposing you to the dangers of crypto market volatility. 

The way it works is by exploiting temporary price inefficiencies across crypto exchanges. These are short periods, generally lasting just a few minutes, in which a cryptocurrency is available on different exchanges, at different prices, at the same time.  

ArbiSmart’s machine-learning algorithm is integrated with 35 exchanges, which it monitors 24/7, tracking hundreds of coins simultaneously on the hunt for crypto arbitrage opportunities. When the automated system finds an inefficiency, it instantly buys the coin on the exchange where it is available at the lowest price and then sells it on the exchange where it is being offered at the highest price to earn a profit before the market adjusts and the discrepancy resolves itself.  

The platform can handle a huge volume of transactions simultaneously, guaranteeing steady passive profits that start at 10.8% and reach as high as 45% a year, depending on the amount deposited. 

You register, make a deposit in either fiat or crypto and the platform takes over. Once you have deposited funds, your capital is converted into RBIS for use by ArbiSmart’s algorithmic, crypto arbitrage trading system. Your funds can be withdrawn at any time in EUR or GBP straight to your bank account, or in ETH, BTC or USDT directly to your wallet.

In addition to ArbiSmart’s crypto arbitrage platform, the RBIS token will gain fresh utilities in Q3 and Q4 of 2021, with the launch of a number of new EU licensed financial products and services, such as the company’s upcoming interest-bearing wallet. 

Unlocking Multiple Revenue Streams

The ArbiSmart platform offers steady returns that are guaranteed ahead of time. Before you invest a penny, you can know exactly how much you will make from crypto arbitrage trading, monthly and annually, based on the size of your deposit, as it is laid out in advance on the ArbiSmart Accounts page

In addition to your profits of up to 45% a year from crypto arbitrage, you will also be receiving compound interest on those earnings as well as capital gains from the growing value of the native token. 

Not only has RBIS already gone from 1 EUR to 3.5 EUR in just two years, but analysts are projecting that the token will rise to more than 20 times its current value by the end of 2021.

RBIS Key Facts Determining Growth

So, what makes RBIS such a potentially lucrative investment? 

Firstly, ArbiSmart has experienced year-on-year growth of 150% and is gaining steadily in popularity. As the company extends its global reach and adds a series of new licensed crypto products and services in the second half of 2021, the native token will appreciate further.  Also, it should be noted that the amount of RBIS tokens that can ever be created is capped at 450 million, and as demand continues to rise, supply will drop, leading to a rise in price.

However, the most important growth driver for the RBIS token is the fact that it is currently in the process of being listed and once the coin becomes tradable on exchanges, in the months ahead, the price will shoot up even higher.

Another factor to consider, is that unlike with BTC, with RBIS, a market crash won’t erase all your gains, since crypto arbitrage is not vulnerable to crypto market volatility. ArbiSmart can always generate steady profits from inefficiencies across exchanges, no matter whether the current trend is bullish or bearish, making it a great hedging opportunity against a falling market and ensuring that the value of RBIS keeps rising.

So, What Now?

ArbiSmart’s crypto arbitrage platform has proven to be a low-risk crypto investment strategy that generates exceptional returns and requires zero effort. The company is rapidly gaining popularity and the native token offers genuine, long-term viability and profitability.

As we have seen, RBIS has been on a steady upward trajectory and the token is likely to soar even higher, later this year, once it is tradable on the exchanges.  Before that happens, now is the time to take action. 

Anyone who got in on the ground floor, and joined ArbiSmart in early 2019, has benefited from the fact that, since then, RBIS has more than tripled in value.  Feel you came too late to the party with Bitcoin? This time around, don’t miss your chance. Start investing right now!

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.


The post A Pro Tip for Quadrupling Your BTC appeared first on The Cryptonomist.