Turn 5K into 50K with Bitcoin Using this Strategy


If you’ve been tracking developments in the crypto arena, you’ll have seen that over the past year Bitcoin has experienced incredible volatility and while in April 2020, 1 BTC was equal to just over $7,000, today it is worth almost $60,000!

Want to make a profit with Bitcoin but think you may have missed your chance? Well, there’s no need to worry as there is one strategy that enables you to make a huge profit from BTC, without a huge investment and without being exposed to any of the risks of crypto market volatility.

How to Invest in Crypto at Close to Zero Risk

Financial institutions, hedge funds, major corporations and retail investors are all now incorporating a crypto arbitrage strategy into their investment plans, due to the generous returns and exceptionally low risk involved.

Crypto arbitrage refers to a strategy of exploiting temporary price inefficiencies across exchanges. This means that for a short time, a cryptocurrency can be available at different prices, on multiple exchanges, at once. The inefficiency will resolve itself within a matter of minutes, but during that brief window of opportunity, a crypto arbitrage trader can buy the coin on the exchange where it is available at the lowest price and then sell it on the exchange where it is available at the highest price to make a profit before the market corrects. 

The speed and efficiency required to implement a crypto arbitrage strategy successfully, means that you need to use an automated system. Probably the best-known crypto arbitrage software on the market is provided by ArbiSmart, which has an EU licensed, algorithmic trading platform that we can use as an example to see exactly how crypto arbitrage works. 

The ArbiSmart platform is connected to 35 different exchanges, which it scans simultaneously, monitoring hundreds of digital currencies at once, 24/7, to identify and exploit crypto arbitrage opportunities as soon as they arise. The second it finds an inefficiency the automated system is able to respond instantaneously, buying low and selling high to generate passive profits that start at 10.8% and reach as high as 45% a year, depending on the size of your investment.

One of the main advantages of this type of trading strategy is that even when the digital currency market is crashing, crypto arbitrage opportunities are as frequent and profitable as ever. So even if the price of BTC suddenly takes a dive, you can continue to earn steadily, hedging against a bear market. 

How to Choose the Right Platform

Choosing the right crypto arbitrage platform comes down to finding a company with a proven record for security and reliability. The best way to ensure this is to do a little online research, checking the company’s global press coverage, its reputation across social media and on consumer review sites and of course, its regulatory status. 

Going back to our ArbiSmart example, the company is fully FIU licensed, authorizing it to provide crypto services across the European Union. This level of regulation is critical for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the crypto arena is still very under-regulated, so oversight and accountability are key. Regulatory compliance requires incredibly strict data security protocols, the separation of client and company accounts, the maintenance of sufficient operational capital and regular external auditing. In addition, the anonymity of the crypto arena has unfortunately attractive a certain untrustworthy element, so one of the advantages of a licensed company is that they are required to implement tough anti-money laundering and client ID verification procedures. 

ArbiSmart is also a good example of a company with high visibility and a strong online presence. Overall, the feedback from the crypto community on social media is very positive and the company has a high rating on customer review sites like Trustpilot, as well as multiple support channels so clients can engage one-on-one with a company representative, whenever they need.

How to Make the Biggest Crypto Profit 

Every crypto arbitrage platform offers different rates. You will want the platform that offers not only the highest possible crypto arbitrage profits, but also the most steady, reliable return, as well as additional revenue streams, if at all possible. Here too, we can use ArbiSmart as an example to see how you can get the most out of your initial investment. 

Check out the ArbiSmart Accounts page and you will see that the company lays out, in advance, exactly how much you can expect to make per month and per year based on the amount you deposit.  In addition to guaranteed profits of up to 45% a year, with ArbiSmart, you also earn compound interest on your crypto arbitrage earnings as well as capital gains on the steadily increasing value of RBIS, the platform’s native token, which has already risen by 350% in just two years. 

Once you sign up with ArbiSmart, and make a deposit, your funds are converted into RBIS for use on the platform, although they can be withdrawn, at any time, straight to your bank account in EUR or GBP, or directly to your wallet, in BTC, ETH or USDT.

Clients who joined ArbiSmart in early 2019, when the token was introduced have now more than tripled their profits, before even taking into account their primary earnings from crypto arbitrage trading. The company is experiencing 150% year-on-year growth and  RBIS is scheduled to be listed later this year –  once it is tradable on the exchanges this will drive the price even higher. 

As we can see, with crypto arbitrage, you can do more with your Bitcoin, earning huge  passive profits, while you get on with other things, with almost none of the risk that comes with trading the volatile crypto markets.

Learn more about arbitrage investment, or if you feel ready to dive in, become an investor right now and start growing your Bitcoin.

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.

The post Turn 5K into 50K with Bitcoin Using this Strategy appeared first on The Cryptonomist.