The New Coin on Track to Rise X10 More than BTC!


Since the start of its amazing bull run last year, Bitcoin has sky-rocketed to ten times its price. It has risen from around $6,000 to over $60,000, so if you boarded the BTC train early, you’ll have made an absolute fortune.

But, if that wasn’t you, you may be looking for another coin that’s about to soar in price in the hope of getting in on the ground floor. There is one coin, RBIS, that analysts believe to be perfectly positioned to take off in the coming months and are projecting will rise to twenty times its current value by the end of 2021.

RBIS is the native token of ArbiSmart, an EU regulated fully automated crypto arbitrage platform. Let’s take a closer look at the company behind the token, the products and services being offered, the security and reliability of the platform, and its long-term growth potential.

Utility Value

One of the main factors that investors need to take into consideration is the value of the token’s utility, and the ArbiSmart solution doesn’t disappoint.

ArbiSmart’s AI-based algorithm performs crypto arbitrage. This is a particularly low risk investment strategy that does not expose you to the dangers of crypto market speculation. Instead, it generates a profit by exploiting temporary price inefficiencies. These are windows, often lasting just a few minutes, during which a cryptocurrency can be available on various exchanges, at different prices at the same time.

The ArbiSmart platform is integrated with 35 exchanges, which it tracks 24 hours a day, monitoring hundreds of coins to identify price inefficiencies. On finding a crypto arbitrage opportunity, the automated system buys the coin on the exchange where the price is lowest and then sells it on the exchange where the price is highest, to generate a profit of up to 45% a year, before the window closes and the inefficiency resolves itself.

Security Status

The crypto space is characterized by anonymity, and a lack of accountability, with billions in lost each year to fraud and hacks. As a result, your biggest concern when investing in an emerging altcoin is the safety and reliability of the platform or application. ArbiSmart is an  FIU licensed and regulated platform, authorized to provide crypto services across the EU. This is significant because regulatory compliance requires the company to implement rigorous safeguards, including strict data security protocols, as well as AML and KYC procedures.

In addition, the company has a sound reputation across social channels, and in the industry press, as well an excellent rating on consumer review sites like Trustpilot.

Ways to Profit

More than anything else, ArbiSmart’s popularity comes from the ease with which you can make a lot of money, at close to zero risk. All you need to do is register, deposit funds and then the platform takes over and starts generating passive profits on your behalf.

Your money is automatically converted into RBIS and then used for crypto arbitrage trading, though it can be withdrawn at any time in fiat or crypto directly to your bank account or wallet.

You can see in advance the precise amount you are guaranteed to make on a monthly and annual basis, which ranges from 10.8% to 45% a year, depending on the size of your investment.

On top of your crypto arbitrage profits, you will receive compound interest, as well as earning capital gains on the growing value of the RBIS token, which has already gone up by 400% since it was introduced in early 2019 and is projected to soar in price in the months ahead.

Growth Rate

So, what is behind the steep rise to double BTC’s growth rate projected for RBIS in 2021?

One reason for the sunny forecast is that company grew by 150% last year and the popularity and liquidity of the platform is growing steadily, with all-time high client acquisition. The company is also expanding its products and services. ArbiSmart is releasing a number of new utilities for the token in the back half of 2021, such as the company’s soon-to-be-launched interest-bearing wallet.

Crypto arbitrage opportunities consistently emerge, whatever is happening to the crypto markets, boom or bust and the price of RBIS will remain stable, making it a great way to hedge against a crash.

Another major factor is that RBIS is set to be listed in Q4 of 2021 and become tradable on the exchanges, which should see the price appreciate substantially. Once it is listed, the only way you will be able to purchase the coin will be through an exchange and at that point, ArbiSmart platform users will have little incentive to part with their RBIS tokens, since they can earn long-term passive profits from crypto arbitrage, as well profits from the continually rising price of the token.

ArbiSmart has a proven record, and the RBIS token has more than tripled in value in the two years since it was introduced. There is a limit of 450 million RBIS that can ever be created and as demand rises, supply will fall.

The RBIS price has been on a consistent upward trajectory and by 2025, analysts are projecting that it could rise in value by as much as 4,000%!

Your Next Move

Making a profit with an emerging altcoin has everything to do with timing. You want to be an early adopter and purchase the coin before the price shoots up in value.

RBIS is set to take off in the second half of 2021, when the token becomes tradable on the exchanges and gains a series of new utilities. If you want to seize the moment, and get in on the ground floor before RBIS is listed, now is the time to invest!

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.

The post The New Coin on Track to Rise X10 More than BTC! appeared first on The Cryptonomist.