Coinbase announces rewards & convenient crypto payments

Coinbase users will be able to shop online with some tidy cryptocurrency rewards, according to an announcement issued by the leading crypto platform.

Coinbase opens up the crypto market with payment convenience

As broadcast on Coinbase’s blog, customers will be able to spend cryptocurrency to shop online soon, with the introduction of Google Pay and Apple Pay integrated with the Coinbase Card. Those using the Coinbase Card to make online purchases will be able to earn up to 4% back in cryptocurrency. As the announcement noted:

“You can now use your Coinbase Card with Apple Pay and Google Pay to make it even easier to spend crypto at home and on the go. Starting this week, we’ll invite select customers off the waitlist to begin earning up to 4% back in crypto rewards… Splurging for guacamole with your Coinbase Card is a no-brainer when you can earn 1% back in Bitcoin or 4% back in Stellar Lumens.”

The announcement concluded on a note of confidence regarding where the market might be going. According to Coinbase, this integration just represents the tip of the iceberg for crypto payments:

“Using Coinbase Card with Apple Pay and Google Pay makes it even easier to spend and grow your crypto. This is just the beginning — we’ll continue to build more ways for you to maximize crypto rewards and easily use crypto in your everyday life.”

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