BitMEX is delighted to announce that it has renewed Calvin Kim’s developer grant until June 2022, providing him with a US$100,000 one-year grant. We are also pleased to announce our collaboration with the Human Rights Foundation, who are providing Calvin with a one off lump sum grant of US$50,000 in Bitcoin. This brings Calvin’s total funding for the year to US$150,000.

Alex Höptner, CEO of BitMEX made the following comment:

We are delighted to extend our financial support for Calvin for another year. In particular we are pleased to support a Korean developer such as Calvin, as ensuring the geographic diversity of Bitcoin development is an important factor to consider. Working with an organisation such as the Human Rights Foundation is also something we are proud of and the enhanced diversity of funding for Calvin ensures he has more financial stability and can focus on software development. The extension of the grant reflects BitMEX’s long term commitment to open source Bitcoin development.

Alex Gladstein, Chief Strategy Officer of the Human Rights Foundation made the following comment:

On behalf of the Human Rights Foundation, we are thrilled to support Calvin on his quest to help make Bitcoin a more useful and resilient tool of liberty for people across the globe. As an organization that has long worked to promote human rights on the Korean peninsula through technology, it is exciting for HRF to have the opportunity to bolster Calvin’s efforts and we hope that his work can inspire others from the region to get involved with Bitcoin and contribute to its mission to provide open-source freedom money for the world.

Commenting on the grant, Calvin said:

I’m incredibly grateful for the financial support that BitMEX has provided me for the past year. Being financially stable has allowed me to focus more attention to furthering research and development of the Utreexo project. Last year, I focused on prototyping a Utreexo Bitcoin full node, moving the project closer to reality from just a research project. This year, with the financial support of BitMEX and the Human Rights Foundation, I intend to continue what I was doing last year and continue moving the Utreexo project to something a user can download and use. I’m excited for the upcoming year of development for the Utreexo project and am confident that the project will have a positive impact on the Bitcoin ecosystem. My sincere thanks to both BitMEX and the Human Rights Foundation for allowing me to continue working on the Utreexo project without having to worry about finances.