Can blockchain help us in achieving immortality?

The secrets of immortality have been the greatest dream of humanity since the very beginning of our species’ existence.

The dream may seem futile, but the greatest minds of our age, backed by huge financial resources, continue studies of immortality, or, at the very least, longevity.  Nowadays the main financial drivers for longevity research are large tech companies from Silicon Valley. And it looks like blockchain technology is one of their best bets in the fight for immortality.

But how is it possible? How can a database creation technology, used mostly in finances, help humans live longer?

In fact, there are at least three ways blockchain can bring us all immortality, so let’s dig in!

Ease of data transfer

Longevity studies are too complex for any single research facility to deal with it. For example, in May 2021 a breakthrough study was published that confirmed humans’ natural lifespan of 120-150 years (given the absence of stressors and diseases). This study involved coordinated work of four research teams from the US, the United Kingdom, Singapore and Russia. 

Data exchange has become a vital part of longevity research, and blockchain technologies can greatly facilitate it. Blockchain can make secure data transfer faster and cheaper. Therefore, research centers will be able to dedicate more time and resources to the research itself, instead of dealing with data exchange. Moreover, blockchain will even remove the issue of plagiarism which haunts data exchange between research teams at the moment.

Financing longevity research

On the one hand, longevity studies are funded by some of the largest companies in the world. After all, no one can say that Silicon Valley residents have problems with money. 

On the other hand, there is never enough financing when it comes to science, especially in such complex areas as human longevity. Attracting investments from the crypto industry will be a real boost for longevity research. Moreover, even though most crypto businessmen are young, they inevitably think about the future and may be very much interested in enjoying their luxurious lifestyle for longer. Providing them with an easy gateway to invest in immortality studies makes a lot of sense.

But most important is the borderless nature of blockchain and decentralized finances. Remember the study mentioned above? It involved teams from four countries that don’t have the greatest economic and political relations. Blockchain, crypto and DeFi will ensure that longevity studies will be financed reliably, no matter what politicians think and say.

Digital immortality

Perhaps the most “sci-fi like” concept of immortality is so called “digital immortality” or “mind uploading” – transferring a person’s personality into cyberspace. It may seem silly at the moment, but, in fact, we have come a long way towards achieving this in recent years.

For example, archiving and storing all conversations that a person has ever been engaged in is really easy – it requires less than a terabyte of storage, according to Microsoft research. So we are close to at least being able to store all of our memories in a digital form. And some people already try to use it. William Shatner, who is famous for portraying Captain Kirk in Star Trek, is having a hologram of himself created, so he will still be able to interact with people after his biological death.

Security and integrity of “personality databases” is of utmost importance, for obvious reasons. And blockchain is the best bet for ensuring that. After all, it guarantees that the database won’t be meddled with after a person’s biological death.

Hedge your bets

So far, it is impossible to predict which approach will bring humanity closer to immortality. Scientists may encounter unforeseen roadblocks or make a huge breakthrough in a few years. So it is logical to hedge your bets and invest in different studies and different approaches. 

In this light, the Moon Rabbit project looks quite promising. It provides blockchain infrastructure for digital jurisdictions (subchains) dedicated to supporting various longevity projects. The infrastructure is infinitely scalable and entirely interoperable. Running on Substrate and Rust, effectively Moon Rabbit has its own Polkadot infrastructure and welcomes new startups working in longevity, but also DeFi, NFT, cross-chain compatibility and eSports.

The number of jurisdictions is not limited, as well as the types of longevity projects supported. Any jurisdiction may create proprietary digital assets, protocols, DAOs, and validators and use it the way the community of the jurisdiction sees fit.

The main focus of the project is biotech development and supporting longevity studies by providing them with an ecosystem for data exchange and incentives. The primary Longevity DAo is also focused on financing biotech research. 

But a certain jurisdiction may provide blockchain capabilities to a certain “mind uploading” project or provide finances to a biological longevity project – as long as it fits under the overarching theme of longevity and immortality, it’s fine.

The project was founded by Angel Versetti: one of the most prominent investopreneurs in the world. He was one of the people that ensured Bitcoin initial success, took part in Ethereum ICO and was a major investor in many successful projects, from Dogecoin to Aave. Now Angel finally decided to focus on immortality that was his dream since childhood. He is recognised by the Vatican Academy of Sciences as one of the World’s youngest leading entrepreneurs.

So it is possible that very soon all scientists, working on the issue of immortality, will be operating via a single universal platform.


James Ryan

The post Can blockchain help us in achieving immortality? appeared first on The Cryptonomist.