This New Coin Is Up 420% and Climbing


The first half of 2021 has been a real rollercoaster ride for crypto investors. Bitcoin’s meteoric rise to approximately $64,000 and subsequent crash to half that price is just one example. However, there is one new coin that has been steadily rising in value month after month, seemingly unaffected by recent crypto market volatility. 

RBIS is the native token of ArbiSmart, an EU licensed platform that performs automated crypto arbitrage. The RBIS token has been experiencing incredible success, and analysts are projecting that by 2023 it will have gone up to forty times its current price.

So, while other coins have been crashing, how has RBIS managed to maintain a consistent upward trajectory? There are a number of factors behind the rising token price, but a lot of its success comes down to a surge in project development.

A Packed Development Schedule

ArbiSmart developers have started to implement a series of significant upgrades to its infrastructure and in Q3 and Q4 of 2021, a series of important system improvements will be introduced as well as a number of new EU regulated utilities for the RBIS token, including an interest-bearing wallet for both fiat and crypto. The activity is set to continue into early 2022, when a crypto credit card, a mobile app and a yield farming program will be launched.

Reliability and Profitability

We all know that there is a lot of money to be made in the crypto space, but these opportunities are generally accompanied by substantial risk. However, another major reason for the growing demand for the RBIS token is that the ArbiSmart platform offers unmatched profits at minimal risk.  Here’s how it works:

As a platform user, you just register, deposit funds in EUR, GBP, ETH, BTC or USDT and that’s it. From here on, the platform takes over, while you get back to your day. It automatically converts your funds into RBIS for use performing crypto arbitrage and generates passive profits that start at 10.8% and reach as high as 45% a year depending on the size of your investment. To see, in advance, the exact monthly and annual profit percentage for a specific deposit amount, you can consult the ArbiSmart Accounts table.

Crypto arbitrage involves exploiting brief periods in which a cryptocurrency is temporarily available at different prices at the same time, across a number of exchanges. These price discrepancies have a variety of causes, such as a disparity in trading volume between exchanges of different sizes and they tend to resolve themselves relatively quickly.

ArbiSmart is integrated with almost forty exchanges, which the platform algorithm tracks 24 hours a day, monitoring hundreds of digital currencies, looking for price differences. It will automatically buy the coin on the exchange where the price is lowest then, within a split-second, sell the coin on the exchange where the price is highest to earn a profit.

In addition to annual crypto arbitrage profits of up to 45%, you will also be making compound interest. If you choose to lock your funds for a pre-set period, you can increase your passive profits even further, with the highest account tiers earning interest of up to 1% a day. Then of course, you will also earn profits from the steady increase in the value of the RBIS token, which has already more than quadrupled in price since it was launched just two years ago. 

RBIS seems almost immune to the heightened market volatility of the last few months, and this is due to the fact that crypto arbitrage offers a great hedging opportunity. Whether it’s a bear or bull trend, price inefficiencies across exchanges will continue to occur, generating steady, reliable profits, as regularly as ever, even in a falling market. It is therefore unsurprising that during the recent market upheaval, ArbiSmart experienced substantial growth as investors turned to the platform as a way to protect their digital assets from further losses, while simultaneously growing their crypto wealth. 

Massive Community Growth

In 2020, ArbiSmart grew 150% year-over-year, and since then this rapidly growing project has seen a huge rise in client acquisition. The increasing popularity of the platform coupled with the limit on the supply of RBIS, which is capped at 450 million, is likely to lead to a rise in the token price.

Another important factor to consider is that in Q4 of 2021, the RBIS token is scheduled to be listed, which should drive the price up further. When it is available on the exchanges anyone wanting to use ArbiSmart utilities will need to purchase the token first, though RBIS holders will have little incentive to sell, considering the multiple revenue streams that the token provides and the steady upward price trajectory.

In the coming months, as RBIS becomes tradable and new utilities are added, the coin is going to see a huge jump in value. Now’s the time to get hold of RBIS at a modest price, while that is still a possibility. Buy RBIS here.

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.

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