Mike Tyson and Busta Rhymes talk about bitcoin on Twitter

In addition to the notorious CEO of Tesla, now legendary boxer Mike Tyson and rap genius Busta Rhymes have also asked questions about bitcoin and the crypto world on Twitter, directly to their millions of followers

Tyson asks his followers which crypto they prefer, Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). And there comes the response from Michael Saylor, the American entrepreneur and co-founder of MicroStrategy, who said the following:

“Mike, I spent more than a thousand hours considering this question and chose bitcoin. So far, I have purchased $2.9 billion in BTC because I think it’s the future of digital property. I have posted tons of free bitcoin education on http://hope.com”.

All this was published after Rhymes, with a tweet of his own, had brought the attention of his equally million followers to crypto education. 

Trevor George Smith Jr, better known by his stage name as Busta Rhymes, wrote:

“All jokes aside, I’m loving the vibe and energy of learning educative conversations. It all correlates to success and powerful thinking. My question is… are they teaching or planning to teach crypto in school ? What grade would be acceptable?”

And here again, Saylor answers promptly: 

“We have a whole set of free educational resources (videos, books, research, courses, podcasts, leaders, corporate) posted on the website http://hope.com. Bitcoin is hope.”

Bitcoin, Mike Tyson, Busta Rhymes and the crypto movement on Twitter

It is not the first time that the famous boxing legend, Tyson, has taken an interest in the crypto world, indeed his name had already been mentioned several years ago. 

In fact, back in 2015, Tyson had formed a partnership with Bitcoin Direct, a bitcoin ATM company that, in honour of the boxer’s presence had used the following phrase as its payoff: 

“Cash into bitcoin in under 20 seconds, less time than it takes Tyson to ko his opponent.”

Not only that, in 2016, Tyson had also acted as testimonial for the wallet launched by the same company that allows buying and selling crypto through an app. 

Obviously, it’s different when the official channel of the boxing star, together with that of the rap titan, mentions crypto directly on Twitter. Something reminiscent of the tweets of the notorious Elon Musk and his relationship with Dogecoin. 

Only last week, the CEO of Tesla had again spoken about the meme crypto, but the market did not seem to care. 

The post Mike Tyson and Busta Rhymes talk about bitcoin on Twitter appeared first on The Cryptonomist.