Bitcoin, Jack Dorsey and Cathie Wood meet Elon Musk

“The talk”, or rather the meeting between Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey, will finally take place. It will happen tomorrow, 21 July, at the live event of The B Word, a kind of academy founded by Jack Dorsey and Cathie Wood to help institutions embrace bitcoin. 

The live event will start at 9 AM PT (6 PM Italian time). 

Elon Musk now also appears among the official speakers of the initiative. His speech will most likely be a debate with two of bitcoin’s most enthusiastic fans, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Square and Twitter, and Cathie Wood, founder of Ark Invest and now also a Square shareholder. Steve Lee will moderate. “Nothing is off limits!”, announces the official website of The B Word.

The meeting between Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk

The exchange of tweets that led to the invitation to the meeting took place at the launch of The B Word. On that occasion, the CEO of Tesla commented with his usual irony. At that point, Jack Dorsey asked Elon Musk for “The Talk“, and got a positive response from the CEO of Tesla.

Now there is a date and a time, and everything indicates that we are going to see some good things. 

Jack Dorsey and Cathie Wood have high hopes for bitcoin as an alternative monetary system and as a synonym for freedom. Both of them are very active and have several partnerships that also aim at sustainable bitcoin mining.

Elon Musk on the other hand has changed his mind. He started by announcing Tesla’s investment in BTC and allowed bitcoin payments for his cars, but then he discovered that bitcoin mining consumes a lot of energy. Quite a contradiction for someone who produces electric cars that are supposed to save the environment. At which point he decided that Tesla would no longer accept bitcoin payments until bitcoin mining is done with 50% sustainable energy. That was enough to generate hype and a market meltdown in a matter of months.

It will now be up to Jack Dorsey and Cathie Wood to convince Elon Musk of the positive aspects of bitcoin and the crypto industry’s efforts to achieve environmentally friendly production. 

All that remains is to wait and see what issues will be addressed and who will prevail in what promises to be one of the most anticipated debates in the crypto world


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