Buy this Coin for the Best Profits in a Bull Run


The crypto market has been showing positive signs recently that it is exiting its months-long slump and investors are seeking out fresh opportunities that will enable them to exploit rising prices without setting themselves up for a fall if the market dips again. 

RBIS is the token behind ArbiSmart, a licensed crypto arbitrage platform that has been steadily establishing an impressive track record as one of the most promising coins of 2021, and the perfect choice for protecting gains as the market experiences a bullish trend.

What Makes RBIS Suited to the Current Market?

Let’s start by looking at what crypto arbitrage is and how it generates a profit. 

Crypto exchanges are not all the same; they are varying sizes, with different trading volumes and levels of liquidity. These differences can cause temporary price inefficiencies to occur – brief instances during which a cryptocurrency will be available across multiple exchanges at different prices at the same time.   

ArbiSmart’s algorithm is integrated with 35 exchanges, which it automatically  monitors 24 hours a day to identify price disparities. It then buys the cryptocurrency on the exchange with the lowest available price and then instantly sells wherever the price is highest to generate a profit. This process is known as crypto arbitrage.

What makes it such an increasingly popular investment option is the fact that while reliable, predictable profits are almost unheard of when it comes to the world’s most volatile asset class, ArbiSmart guarantees returns even in a bear market. 

In the recent crypto crash, RBIS actually rose in value, in part because Bitcoin and Ethereum holders wanted a haven. They were looking for a home for their digital assets, where their capital would not just stop losing value but would actually grow. In fact, in the two years since it was introduced the RBIS token already more than quadrupled in price. Since price inefficiencies will keep occurring regardless of whether or not the market takes a dive, it is the perfect hedge.

Equally, in a bullish trend you want to secure your profits, making sure that the next sudden change in market direction doesn’t wipe out all your gains. You also want to invest using a strategy that will grow your portfolio significantly whatever happens to the market and this is where ArbiSmart excels.

What Kind of Yields Are We Talking About?

Yields from crypto arbitrage start at 10.8% and reach as high as 45% a year depending on the size of the deposit. The ArbiSmart yield table lays out ahead of time precisely how much you can expect to make monthly and annually at each account level, before compound interest.

That’s not the only revenue stream though. If you choose a savings account that’s closed for a predetermined period, you make as much as 1% a day in additional profits. Then there are also capital gains on the rising value of the RBIS token, which has already gone up by 450% in just two years and has been on a steady upward trajectory even through the recent market slump. 

What About RBIS’ Projected Revenue Potential? 

Analysts are projecting that the RBIS token will have gone up by 4,000% by 2023. This rosy picture is based in part on the consistent growth of the project, since it was launched in 2019. 

In 2020, year-over-year growth stood at 150% and the platform user-base has climbed sharply since then. This may be due in part from the fact that the team behind the project never seems to slow down for a second.  

In fact, the development team has been releasing a series of significant upgrades to the system architecture in recent months, with more scheduled for the next quarter. In addition, Q3 and Q4 will see a number of new utilities for the RBIS token, which are sure to push up the price, such as the upcoming interest-bearing wallet supporting both fiat and crypto. ArbiSmart has no plans of shifting out of high gear any time soon and in early 2022, additional products and services are scheduled for launch including a new mobile application, a yield farming program and a crypto credit card. 

In late 2021, RBIS is also scheduled to be listed, which should drive up the price further. The community is growing rapidly, month by month and once the token is tradable, you’ll need to purchase it on an exchange if you wish to use any RBIS utility.  Yet, as token demand rises, the supply, which is capped at 450M RBIS, will remain limited. RBIS owners seeing the price rise will be inclined to HODL and not part with their tokens, as the price steadily climbs.

The RBIS token price is clearly about to explode, with an exchange listing as well as new utilities just a couple of months away. As the digital currency market recovers and investors look for new opportunities that will enable them to grow their crypto portfolios, the timing for buying RBIS couldn’t be better.

Interested in purchasing RBIS? Click here.

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.

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