Dogecoin Foundation transforms DOGE with Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin

After being eclipsed since 2014, the Dogecoin Foundation is back and now has in its bosom no less than a representative of Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin himself.

Announcing this was the foundation itself, which has reactivated its Twitter channel, which had been down since 2018; its website has also been reactivated.

In the announcement, the foundation says it is excited by its return, aimed at supporting the Dogecoin ecosystem, its future, and its blockchain. It will not be taking control of one of the key projects the developers are working on, namely the wallet.

The return to the field from the foundation is explained as a way to protect the Dogecoin brand from those who wanted to appropriate it. In fact, since 2014, the Dogecoin Foundation has been fighting to prevent someone from stealing the Dogecoin brand by filing it with a patent office.

However, the foundation had let people play with it. Dogecoin’s name and logo “belong to the people after all,” but someone wanted to overdo it.

The manifesto of the Dogecoin Foundation

The foundation then presented its new manifesto, which will be like a guide. It is straightforward and is based on four words, listed here:


  • Being useful, we value utility over technical brilliance.

  • Being personable, we value individuals and interactions over profit-driven economics.

  • Being welcoming, we value collaboration and trust over competition and exclusivity.

  • Being reliable, we value working solutions over the speed of delivery.


Translated, the foundation intends to turn Dogecoin into a project that is not just a mere financial gain but also useful, efficient, brilliant.

After all, it explains in the manifesto:

“We are developing a currency for the people, and we strive to do only good every day.”

The official website also has a roadmap section, currently empty. What we know about Dogecoin’s future is that the foundation intends to have a three-year budget to hire people who can work full-time on Dogecoin-related projects.

In fact, Dogecoin has grown a lot, especially in the last year, thanks to a community that has worked on it, sometimes neglecting their personal lives.

The foundation now wants these people to work on Dogecoin as a real job. To make this happen, they need sponsors, someone to fund the projects.

It’s a safe bet that sponsors won’t be long in coming, given the interest DOGE has generated in 2021 with its skyrocketing price.

Elon Musk and involvement in Dogecoin

Also contributing in this direction is a respectable team of advisors. Next to the historical developers and community leaders, two names stand out:

  • Jared Birchall, whose description reads “Representing Elon Musk – Legal & Financial Advisor.” 
  • Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum.

That means, first of all, that, from now on, Elon Musk will have his weight in Dogecoin.

Some time ago, the Tesla CEO had to remind his followers that he had no role in it while he supported the project. As of today, that is no longer the case. And with Elon Musk’s popularity and vision, it’s pretty much a given that Dogecoin will have a significant future ahead of it.

Finally, the restoration of the foundation certifies the metamorphosis of Dogecoin. The cryptocurrency born as a joke becomes a full-fledged company, which aims to be valid and popular and no longer just a coin for tips on social. And this is a turning point.


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