The five best websites to buy Bitcoin 

What are the best websites to buy Bitcoin? The choice is vast: from exchanges to apps expressly dedicated to cryptocurrency. Or there are websites and apps already operating in the traditional financial world opening up to cryptocurrencies.

Exchanges, the best websites to buy Bitcoin

There are numerous exchanges where you can buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. One important thing would always be to have multiple exchanges on which to be ready to operate fully at any time, with registration and account setup already completed. 

Registration is usually free and does not require deposits, so it is better to be ready to use several exchanges if the ones you typically use are offline at certain times. 

Here are some of the best exchanges in the cryptocurrency landscape.


The one that is probably the most widely used throughout the Western world is Coinbase because it is based in the US, complies with all applicable regulations, and is run by a publicly-traded company. 

It has tens of millions of users and has always been optimized just for the common user, especially those with absolutely no experience in cryptocurrencies. 

To tell the truth, over the years, Coinbase has evolved a lot, as it now also offers several services to large institutional investors and is commonly considered very secure. 

On the one hand, its main advantages are precisely that of being very secure and easy to use, and for these reasons, it has been able to attract tens of millions of users. 

One of the main disadvantages has always been that it has higher than average commissions, especially for more immediate transactions. The website also has an advanced platform, called Pro, intended for experienced users and with reduced commissions. 

Another disadvantage is the support service that struggles to keep up with the countless requests it receives, also because the inexperienced user is the one who makes the most of them. Using Coinbase often means having to operate on your own without relying on ready support service. 


For more advanced users, one of the most used sites in the world is Binance

It offers many different services, although not all are made available to all users in all countries due to partial non-compliance with some countries’ laws. 

Although it has recently opened up to less experienced users, Binance remains an excellent platform, especially for advanced users, because the greatest added value it offers is in the wide range of products and services offered and in its advanced features. 

As for Coinbase, the support on Binance suffers from a high number of requests to which it is objectively difficult always to give quick answers, while for the average user Coinbase surely represents a softer approach to the cryptocurrency world. 

A defect of Binance is that services in fiat currency can sometimes suffer from some problems related to local regulations, so it is generally recommended to use mainly cryptocurrency and stablecoins.

Five website Bitcoin
The five best websites to buy Bitcoin

Kraken and Bitfinex

As an alternative to Coinbase and Binance, Kraken and Bitfinex are often mentioned because they offer similar functionalities. 

The App Alternative:

In addition to websites, however, there are also apps. So the fifth website worth mentioning is actually an app, which many users widely use:

While websites are certainly much more convenient than apps for trading, you can also use an app without any problems if you just want to buy Bitcoin. is a full-featured app that makes it easy to get into the cryptocurrency world without being limited to minimal functionality. 

Surely, using an app can be much easier for those new to cryptocurrency than using a website often designed for more advanced features. However, it must be said that Coinbase and Binance also have excellent apps. 

For those who prefer to trade in a more structured or in-depth way, it is advisable to do so on the website because the small screen of a smartphone makes it rather difficult to do complex operations. 

The Financial Trading App

Finally, it should be added that now more and more trading websites or apps also offer the possibility to buy Bitcoin, and in the future, there might be more and more of them. So it may no longer be necessary to use a website or app specifically created to allow the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies. Still, it may be possible to find similar functionality on websites or apps already used by those who trade in traditional financial markets. 

The post The five best websites to buy Bitcoin  appeared first on The Cryptonomist.