StorX Network urges Storage Node operators to maintain a Good Node Reputation 

The StorX Network urges all node storage operators to maintain a good node reputation for the StorX platform to work perfectly. 

A good node reputation

Although the ecosystem is made with the best infrastructure, there is a price for a good node reputation.

Some of the things the company is advising storage node operators to do to maintain a good node reputation include strong cloud infrastructure, ensuring 100% uptime, and staking a higher amount of $SRX to add value to the node reputation.  

It is the responsibility of node operators to keep updating the nodes to have the latest software patch and OS updates.

Maintenance of the node reputation is vital to avoid disqualifying nodes, which affects its hosting and staking rewards. When a low reputation is repeated, it can lead to a penalty in the form of burning the staked SRX, which may harm the StorX’s storage network.

StorX is a decentralized peer-to-peer storage network. The platform helps you encrypt, fragment, and distribute data across various hosting nodes globally. The StorX network allows users to use their unused disk space, contributing it to cloud storage and being paid for it. Any user can join the network so long as they have storage space they can offer, or they need storage. 


The system uses AI

The network combines enterprise-grade storage solutions such as the existing cloud storage solutions with open source technology to help users get sufficient storage. Since the nodes are distributed worldwide, anyone in the network can set up a node and earn a reward using an SRX token. SRX is an XRC20 token built on the XinFin XDC network. 

The system uses AI-based algorithms to determine the high-performing nodes and eliminate the low-performing ones. This is also known as determining the node reputation.

Node reputation determines if the node will be included in the operation of the network or not. The StorX ecosystem uses a scalable and resilient mechanism to determine the node reputation. AI algorithms are used for measuring the performance and reliability of the node.  Node reputation and filtering out bad actors ensures that the system has improved security, reliability, and durability.

When a new node joins the StorX system, the reputation is automatically set to zero.  Machine learning algorithms will go through the proof-of-work of the new node to know if it qualifies for data storage in the StoX network. After the vetting process, the node will be eligible for general upload. It will grow its reputation with time as it stores data and shows proof of work.

StorX and the easy system

Several factors are used to determine the standard storage nodes, and they include the history of reliability and uptime, geographical location, throughput, latency, etc. All nodes go through the process so that they are vetted by the system for their behavior. If the node can provide good behavior records in terms of downloads, audits, uptime checks, then it will affect its reputation, leading it to increase.

StorX has a minimum threshold to be maintained for node reputation. The node has to be active and be of value to qualify for $SRX rewards. The current minimum point is ten units, but this may change as the network grows. Low reputation nodes are liable for penalties, which are still in the form of $SRX tokens. The liabilities are automatically deducted using AI from the staking or reward token wallet. The whole process uses smart contracts to ensure transparency is maintained.

Some of the factors that make node operators have low node reputation include high node response time, low traffic on the main application, and incorrect setup of the node, making it not reachable with the set configuration. If the node is correctly set up, it gets a high response time which pushes up its reputation in a flash.

Luckily, the system has made it easy for users to check their reputation as there is a dashboard where they can confirm how their node is performing. One of the simplest ways users can boost their node reputation is through sharing the StorX app to get more traffic.

The company is currently working on a dedicated dashboard where users can check the node statistics.

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