NFT, the looped worlds of Lucas Zanotto

Lucas Zanotto is another of the many multifaceted artists who have embraced the path of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

His career

Lucas Zanotto is an internationally renowned author and director who has received many important awards that have defined his career.

Among them are the Apple Design Award, the Golden Design Lion at Cannes, the ITFS and the Best Promotional Animation award at the Ottawa Animation Film Festival. Zanotto also co-founded a children’s brand called YATATOY. His aim is to create quality content through different techniques.

The choice to welcome the immersive NFT landscape into his artistic growth and background was the springboard for a new cognitive launch. And the topic he himself debates is the possibility that this innovative technological and digital vision can give to those involved in art.

It is possible to make a living doing one’s job as an artist, which is a bit more difficult when analyzing the international market. Lucas Zanotto‘s multifaceted career includes his participation in animation and advertising projects. This combination, together with his inclination to work with children, has created a unique style for him.

Lucas Zanotto

Lucas Zanotto’s approach to NFTs

About five years ago, he started putting looped animated creations on his social profiles that sent a message. However, it was a period of stagnation when work was slow, as it is for all artists. However, the house rent had to be paid every month and Zanotto was trying to figure out how to monetize his work through the web.

The unique and particularly lively style of his words struck a chord with users and he started getting his first job offers. It was a friend who told him about the digital reality of NFTs and he was hooked. Although not fully familiar with blockchain technology, Lucas began experimenting with creating and selling a work by putting it on the web in a whole new form. SuperRare and Nifty Gateway became his bread and butter. The first collectable work placed on Nifty sold out in just ten minutes.

Zanotto’s job has also involved understanding the level of quality to which his work was subjected at the exact moment he was thinking in terms of NFTs.

What would his reputation as an artist have been like after this first attempt to sell?

From what he says in numerous interviews, a world opened up to him. He studies the strategies of the digital market and starts to operate accordingly. He does not see it as a whole but only as a part that is continually expanding.

Zanotto says that the approach to the crypto market is identical to the traditional one. It is the millionaires who manage the rising and falling valuation of all works of art.

The creation of the codes that lead to the creation of an NFT of a work has a well-established timeframe. Sometimes it can take days, but the end result is always identical to the author’s original idea.

What is most important is to make sure that the message reaches as many people as possible; this has always been an artist’s goal. Zanotto has realized that the crypto market is an interesting alternative to spreading this message.

The post NFT, the looped worlds of Lucas Zanotto appeared first on The Cryptonomist.