From 11th place in 2020 to 47th place in 2021. This is the result obtained by Facebook in this year’s special ranking, “Best place to work”, drawn up every year by the American company Glassdoor. Last year’s ranking is the worst result achieved by Facebook in the last 12 years.
Top ten best places to work
The top three places in the top ten are occupied by Bain & Company in the first place, NVIDIA in second place and In-N-Out Burger in third place, while Google is in sixth place and Microsoft in ninth place.

Working at Facebook
Among the positive aspects that most of the employees underlined working for the Menlo Park company, there are the autonomy in their work, the many company benefits offered, the fact of being able to work with close-knit teams and the satisfaction of working on products that are used worldwide by millions of people.
The main negative aspects include the fact that the company is often under the spotlight of the press, due to the issue of privacy or the systems used to store and transfer big data to third party companies, the lack of action by managers on the problems of the social platform and doubts about the future direction of the company after the presentation of the new company Meta.
Following the Cambridge Analytica case in 2018, Meta has come under heavy criticism again this summer after a former employee, Frances Haugen, leaked thousands of pages of internal research on how its products influence users.
These privacy issues, with requests from regulators and parliamentary committees for clarification from top management, has certainly contributed to a tense atmosphere within the company itself, among employees, who are beginning to have doubts about what the future of the company itself will be.
The change of name by Facebook, after the renewed interest in the world of the metaverse, is perhaps also an attempt to move away from the past of scandals and legal disputes, related to the sensitive issue of the processing of personal data of millions of users, in its possession.
Facebook in search of human resources
Significantly, the first major drop in Glassdoor’s ranking from No. 1 to No. 7 occurred precisely in 2018 when the first data transfer scandals broke out. Since then, Facebook has not been able to climb back up.
After the decision to turn its gaze towards new business, a campaign of blanket recruitment of the best human resources, in force at its main competitors, especially Microsoft and Apple, also began.
Glassdoor’s ranking is drawn up using only American companies with at least 1,000 employees as a reference and is drawn up after conducting a series of interviews with a representative sample of employees. Based on the answers, a score ranging from 1 to 5 is then assigned. Facebook scored 4.3 compared to 4.7 for the top company.
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