This week’s guest on the Cardano SPO Column is a hydro-powered stake pool with the mission to drive Chinese-speaking investors into Cardano: FIKA Pool [FIKA].
Last week’s guest was a stake pool operated by 3 friends from Austria who also have a YouTube channel.
This initiative is a point of reference for everything Cardano and every week or two we will invite a Stake Pool Operator (SPO) to answer some questions and give us an update directly from within the Cardano community.
Considering that many of our readers are new to the crypto space, we will have a mix of simple and technical questions.
Cardano SPO, interview with FIKA Pool [FIKA]

Hi, glad to have you here. Tell us something about yourself, where are you based and what is your background?
HI, I’m known in the Cardano community as Bullish Dumpling.
I’m a Chinese woman living in the UK. I lived in Germany, USA and Sweden in the past. My background is in marketing. I’m terrible at small talk so I’m jumping to the next questions haha!!
You’re very active on Twitter Spaces by sharing news and interviewing prominent members of the Cardano community. What have been the highlights of the past few months?
All recordings are published on my Youtube channel for anyone who wants to listen to them.
- Cardano Foundation CEO. It was his first ever Twitter Space so it was an honour. Frederik gave insights on what the Cardano Foundation has been up to and what their future plans are. The listeners loved him and we ended with a Lord of the Rings quote, it was epic.
- Maladex CEO. Jarek is brilliant, intelligent, loves Cardano, and he’s a no-bs person. He joined us to tell us about Maladex and we loved his wisdom.
- Catalyst chat. We got Kriss, Danny from IOG and Jeremy from the Foundation, and many other Catalyst Circle people. The discussion was around decentralization and how we could improve Catalyst, plenty of great ideas shared.
- HOSKY and BigPey. They joined to discuss the topic of multipool operators, it was a hot one. I must say they both presented strong and valid points, definitely worth a listen.
- Cardano RealFi projects. More and more projects are joining the Dumpling Space. Recently I talked to some RealFi projects like Profila, IMAX, Empowa, all doing great things in the real-world.
Co-hosted with Charles. Well for a few minutes until I got rugged by Twitter… The most painful part was that he called me ‘’bullish’’ instead of ‘’dumpling’’, and because I was rugged I could not yell at him! Oh well, there’s always next time
You’re at the forefront of building a Cardano Chinese community, how are you finding this?
Challenging and rewarding. There’s confusion in the Chinese community: is Cardano not interested in growing the Chinese community? I want to address this, I want to connect them. No local community should be overlooked, and Cardano is a global mission.
There are many supportive people both from the Chinese community and from the international landscape. They’re the reason I keep doing this. The Chinese community is very eager to learn more but there’s very limited Cardano resources in their native language. So I try to do my best to educate.
At the moment the priority is community building, really striving to build a strong community for people to stay and educate each other.
By the way, when I say Chinese community I mean Chinese-speaking community, not limited to Chinese people. A lot of people from Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore are in this community, and many reached out to express their love for me and Cardano, amazing people.
Please tell us a bit more about other projects you’re involved with like Yifu Pedersen and the Catalyst proposal “The Great Filter”
So Yifu Pedersen is making commissioned customized jewelry with CNFT proof of ownership. We made our first Cardano series of 25 pieces 18k Gold plated pendant/brooch/lapel pin multi-purpose jewelry. And the sale is private via our Telegram bidding bot.
Apart from Cardano-themed jewelry we focus on 18k gold engagement rings, precious gemstones jewelry that are customized for customers. Recently we made a pair of natural unheated ruby studs for David Bateson’s wife (David is the voice actor for Hitman game series), and a pink sapphire engagement ring for a Danish friend. They’re all very happy.
The Great Filter helps Project Catalyst voters make voting decisions by filtering all proposals using their designed filtering criteria. We then present the proposals that passed the filter via YouTube videos. This is a MVP, and it is open sourced, so the community is encouraged to give their filtering criteria as well.
Don’t forget to vote on Catalyst, it’s an experiment for Cardano’s future. We can all contribute.
Thank you kindly for your time. Any final words? Where can people stay in touch?
- Decentralization is the soul of Cardano, and all SPOs, all delegators, all educators contribute to it. Let’s keep that in mind at all times
- Come join Dumpling Spaces if you’re a project/personality, it is a place for spicy questions and civil discussions
- We need more women in crypto, but to do that, we need real actions, so join Catalyst, join CNFTs, join discussions
- You can find links to my Youtube and Discord and all other links here, including my Catalyst proposals. Please consider giving an upvote
- Thank you Patryk, you’re amazing
- Don’t lose your seed phrase(s)
Disclaimer: The opinions and views of the SPOs are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Cardano Foundation or IOHK.
The post Cardano SPO Column: FIKA Pool [FIKA] appeared first on The Cryptonomist.