Lily NFT Dubai

A few days ago, a 6-year-old girl named Lily spoke about her NFT project at the Israel Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Lily’s all-female NFT project brought to Dubai

The world of web 3.0 never ceases to surprise us and increasingly shows us that there are no “traditional” criteria and requirements to be part of this extraordinary revolution.

Lily, born in France, will be speaking at the Israeli Pavilion of the Dubai expo about her initiative entitled “NFT Women Financial Power”.

Lily’s project, dubbed “Rainbow Girls”, is an all-female one: the goal is to involve as many women as possible in the world of Non-Fungible Tokens and crypto.

Lily NFT Dubai

The ultimate goal is to create the largest all-women NFT community.

This industry is unfortunately mainly made up of men and little Lily wants to try and change that by including and encouraging women to seize the great opportunities of this revolution.

Rainbow Girls is therefore a great project that wants to show that cryptocurrencies are not a boys club!

The young artist stated:

“I want to inspire all girls around the world by trying to increase our presence in the NFT environment. Thus bringing diversity to the market. I’m six years old and I want to change the world. But when I tell people that, they tell me – You are just a little girl. You have to wait! A child cannot change the world. 

Maybe I can’t change everything. But I know that every day is an opportunity for a little change! So, girls all over the world please join my journey, to be more mindful”.

Lily NFT Dubai

An example to follow

With her tenacity and determination, Lily has proven once again that NFTs are for everyone and have no age or gender limits.

The goal this little artist is pursuing is beyond remarkable. Her project is designed to empower women in a whole new way. It is a project that uses all the tools we have available today to include women in these purely male contexts. 

The data speaks for itself: surveys show that less than 5% of women think they understand what the cryptocurrency market is. This means that most girls are being left behind by one of the most important wealth opportunities of our generation.

So to achieve true gender equality, we need to invite women to the opportunity board and give them the tools to understand the game.

Lily NFT Dubai

Who are the Rainbow Girls

Rainbow Girls is a project that was born spontaneously from the mind and hand of Lily. Lily, born in 2016, drew all the NFTs by hand, which were then digitized to create a collection of 1000 NFTs.

Lily chose to represent this inclusive, all-female project through a rainbow, thus fulfilling her fantastic idea that all women are beautiful in all shapes and colours.

Lily’s NFTs thus represent global economic change in which all girls and women are welcome. It is the essence of a model of inclusiveness.

The post Lily, the 6-year-old girl who spoke about her NFT project at the Dubai expo appeared first on The Cryptonomist.