metaverse city

Nowadays, the metaverse is representing way more potential than just a platform for fun and games. It expands the way we live, the way our cities function, and the way we can regulate our life, work and social habits. 

Governments as well as private companies are regularly building new metaverse cities either to digitally recreate the real world to ensure the more rational management of the real cities using versatile analytics and AI technologies, or create new virtual worlds applying technologies like 3D computing, augmented and virtual realities and blockchain to form new immersive virtual world experiences.

These are the top five metaverse cities you would want to stroll around right now. 

“DEIP Metaverse City”

Metaverse Dubai

Metaverse Dubai is the first and original NFT Metaverse built upon the concept of the real-world map of Dubai’s most prestigious areas. It is distinctly different from any other metaverse project upholding the concept of  decentralization and NFTs originating from blockchain technology while adding newer infrastructure and more advanced features than its forerunner. 

The virtual platform allows you to create digital identities, engage in activities with your friends, build on community, and expand your businesses starting with buying, selling, and owning NFT lands. To make the lot division more interesting and exclusive, Metaverse Dubai has listed several rules regarding Hex purchases and acquisition. 

Firstly, the limit of Hexs an individual can purchase is 1,000. Secondly, the minimum purchase conditions are buying nine Hexs in the first week, seven and a half Hexs in the second, and a single Hex in the third week.

A single Hex (NFT lot in the Metaverse) is worth 3,000 MVP coins or 100 BUSD. Metaverse Dubai emphasizes that MVP coins can be purchased at Bitmart and P2PB2B trading exchanges.

Metaverse Seoul 

Seoul’s municipality announced the creation of Metaverse Seoul, the platform that will help to consolidate access to various city services and aimed at improving city services, planning, administration as well as providing support for virtual tourism. The project distinguished three main goals: 

  1. to make it easier for citizens to connect with government services and each other; 
  2. to overcome the constraints of time, space and language; 
  3. to explore new ways to improve user experience and satisfaction. The long-term vision is to ensure support for business development services, education and city services for filing complaints, inquiring about real estate and filing taxes. 

The Liberland Metaverse

Renowned Zaha Hadid Architects has created a cyber urban city in the metaverse where people can buy plots of land with cryptocurrency and enter digital buildings as an avatar. The community features hyper-realistic districts that encourage urban self-governance and zones where the absence of urban planning allows for a spontaneous order via a free-wheeling discovery process.

The project, illustrating the architectural and urban paradigm that compliments the idea of a “multi-author” urban field, underlines the idea that with the rise of metaverse, it is architects who should be designing these sites and not graphic designers. 

Zaha Hadid Architects principal Patrik Schumacher, highlighted:

“The ambition is for it to become the go-to site for networking and collaboration within the burgeoning web 3.0 industry, it’s the metaverse for metaverse developers and the crypto ecosystem at large”. 

DEIP Metaverse City

DEIP Metaverse City (based on Arhead metaverse) is a virtual city built by creators, meta-architects, and 3D artists to unite creative economy representatives, ensure their swift shift to the Web3 universe and support their own projects. The first one to enter the DEIP Metaverse has become the one-of-a-kind “Balloon Dog (Blue)”, by Jeff Koons. The renowned turned phygital: the physical sculpture underwent photogrammetry and has been transformed into a digital artwork to be showcased in DEIP’s metaverse city. 

 Alex Shkor, CEO and Co-founder of DEIP, said: 

“DEIP’s first metaverse city has been created to illustrate our core values where the creator is at the center and where the core infrastructure is built for a decentralized creator economy. Together with world known artworks, participants could receive an immersive experience strolling around the meta city and diving into the Web 3.0 universe”.

The post Top metaverse cities you would like to visit appeared first on The Cryptonomist.