Summary: Racing Social Club – the exclusive community of racing enthusiasts and NFT fans – is planning to bring the excitement of their digital races into the real world with physical meetups and RSC Races for NFT holders.

The impact that Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and their underlying technology – blockchain – are having on industries like gaming, collectables, digital art, and real estate is undeniable. However, this emerging technology is also reshaping other aspects of sports, entertainment, and competition. Racing Social Club, and the community’s new project, is the perfect example of this. 

RSC has taken one of the most exciting sports and combined it with innovative technology. Bringing together the thrill of an F1 race and the 360-degree experience that only the digital world can offer, the community has grown to welcome thousands of new members and provide each NFT holder with a randomly-generated racer from the collection.

As the Racing Social Club continues to grow and develop, new projects emerge, including the most recent ones: Metaracing, RSC Races, and Meetups. While the first takes place entirely in the digital world and allows NFT holders to race against each other through esports-style competition, RSC Races and Meetups are physical events to which all RSC NFT holders are invited.

RSC Race Event

The RSC Race is planned to be a one-of-a-kind event hosted by the Racing Social Club to put the community’s skills to the test. Only for selected NFT holders, this real-life event allows racing fans and drivers to compete against each other, as well as their favourite Ethereum-based racing drivers. 

The RSC Race is designed to be the most exclusive event in the industry and not all NFT holders are invited by default. At the same time, owning the rarest of NFTs won’t give a driver more chances to be selected to participate. 

The Racing Social Club’s Development Director in partnership with NFT Stack has devised an alternative selection basis, by which each NFT holder gets a fair chance to make it to the real-life racing scenario. Here, racers will have the opportunity to compete against other members of the community across different events, show their skills, and compete against professional drivers.

RSC Meetup

For those racing enthusiasts who are not looking to put their skills to the test on a real track, the Racing Social Club is planning to organise an alternative real-life event: the RSC Meetup. These community meetups will be open to all NFT holders. 

Enthusiasts and Rookies will have the exclusive chance to meet the RSC team, connect with other members, and expand their knowledge. Just some of the activities members can expect from the RSC Meetups include:

  • Entertainment 
  • Educational content and industry updates
  • Racing hotspot 
  • Racing conversations 
  • Evaluation of the latest F1 season with industry experts
  • Racing cars 

RSC Meetups are set to be organised multiple times a year and across different locations, so as to give each member the chance to participate in a close-by event.

Visit their website for more information Follow them on twitter @racingsocialnft

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Press enquiries can be directed to Anri Davids via LinkedIn or Twitter. 

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