When searching for a presale project to buy into, it can be difficult to find the best ones. With an endless list of features that presales hold, it can be tough to compare and contrast the presale of every project. Although launchpads were created to make it easier for crypto enthusiasts to access the best presale projects and compare them, not all will provide the best ones. However, BoostX and DAO Maker are two of the better launchpads in the market as they offer additional features to both project creators and users to make it easier to find the best presales. 

The Presale vs the Project 

It is important to establish the difference between what makes a project strong vs its presale. For example, what makes a project strong is not based on the launchpad promoting it, but many launchpads play a role in the strength of its presale. For example, with the use of BoostX’s dynamic dashboard, project creators can customise their project’s presale to make it more attractive to users. 

This allows project creators to have the option of choosing the features they want to include in their presale such as dynamic or static pricing. This is important because creators have control over their presale and ultimately its success. 

Dynamic Pricing vs Static Pricing 

BoostX provides users with a range of projects that have different pricing options. As project creators are given the choice between dynamic or static pricing, depending on what users are looking for, some will be more successful than others.

Dynamic pricing means that prices vary day-to-day and are likely to increase over time, especially as the project gains popularity. However, static pricing means that the price of the token will remain constant throughout the presale. Whilst many projects and users choose dynamic pricing to earn more profit, users that purchase tokens later in the presale may prefer a project that has static pricing. 

Hence, it depends on the user to determine which feature makes the presale better for them. This is the main reason why BoostX is one of the better launchpads in the market as it provides more options, as well as a diverse range of projects to choose from, allowing users to compare them before making a decision. 

BoostX vs DAO Maker 

DAO Maker differs from BoostX as it focuses primarily on IDOs and blockchains and does not have any customisation features. Nevertheless, it is a successful launchpad as it features a blockchain advisory service for startup projects. This allows them to receive expert advice on creating the best project and presale possible. Hence, many users like using DAO Maker as they know every project has been given advice and can find good presales on this launchpad. 

Whilst both launchpads are successful and useful when it comes to searching for the best presale, it seems as if BoostX may be the better choice as there are more features and diversity. This allows users to conduct research at ease and find the best project to suit their needs. From pricing, rewards, and more, BoostX is a great place to start your research and find a strong presale.  

Learn more about BoostX here:

Website: https://www.boostx.finance 

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