One way to earn a substantial profit with zero effort, whichever way the market is moving, is with an interest-bearing wallet. With the right wallet, you are not only able to securely store your crypto, but you can also double its value within a year. 

The ArbiSmart (RBIS) project’s interest-generating wallet is currently leading the pack for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it is bear-market resilient, meaning that you can continue to earn a reliable passive profit in a downturn or an upturn. It also offers industry-high rates of up to 147% a year and provides solutions to suit each wallet holder’s needs. Supporting a huge selection of FIAT and digital currencies the ArbiSmart wallet offers a wide range of savings plans, where funds can be fully or partially locked, for a variety of time periods.   

Let’s take a closer look at the ArbiSmart ecosystem as a whole, examining the project, how the wallet works and how native token’s prospects are likely to impact a wallet holder’s bottom line.

What is the ArbiSmart project?

ArbiSmart is an interest-generating wallet and financial services hub, powered by the RBIS token. Since it was established in early 2019, the EU authorized project has maintained a record of consistent growth and been steadily gaining traction. 

ArbiSmart ecosystem

For example, the RBIS token was first listed in January 2022 and has since been added to a series of tier-1 exchanges like SushiSwap, and Uniswap, with more being added all the time. As it gains popularity it is receiving attention from top crypto players, like Coinbase, which has just published a guide to purchasing the RBIS token.

How much can you make with an ArbiSmart wallet?

The ArbiSmart wallet enables users to earn a passive profit from major FIAT currencies like   EUR, GBP, and USD as well as  top cryptocurrencies, from established names like BTC, BNB, COMP, ETH, XRP, AAVE and USDT to up-and-comers like APE, MANA, LINK, and AXS among many others. The platform offers interest of up to 147% a year on RBIS, and up to 49% a year on all other supported currencies. 

Earn passive income

Interest is paid out daily, and wallet owners can choose to have the daily interest automatically transferred to an open balance for instant access, any time. Alternatively, they can earn a higher rate by leaving it locked in the savings balance alongside the capital on which it is being earned. If the daily interest is received in RBIS, even if the savings plan is in GBP or BTC, then the rate will climb even higher.

RBIS balances earn the highest interest, though holding the RBIS token can be beneficial in several other ways too.

Firstly, it gives voting power, with one RBIS equaling one vote. So, the more RBIS a token holder owns the greater their influence over the future direction of the project. Also, the more RBIS a wallet holder owns, the higher their account level and it is the account level that determines how much interest they earn on all stored currencies. 

In crypto downturns, ArbiSmart wallet holders have been choosing to hold large amounts of RBIS, as a means of receiving high interest on their FIAT and stable coins, which means that the native token is able to maintain an upward trajectory, even in a bear market.

This growth is currently being reinforced by the expansion of the ArbiSmart ecosystem. Multiple new utilities are being launched in the second half of 2022, which should drive token demand, leading to higher interest rates on capital being held in all FIAT and cryptocurrencies.

What is in the pipeline for 2022?

In 2019, ArbiSmart introduced its crypto arbitrage service, an automated trading system that generates passive profits ranging from 10.8% to 45% a year, depending on the size of the investment. 

Starting next month, in Q3, the project is adding to its service portfolio by introducing a stream of new RBIS utilities, beginning with a mobile version of the wallet. This will be almost immediately followed by the launch of a collection of 10,000 unique digital artworks, as well as a marketplace for the purchase and sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Within another few weeks, ArbiSmart is also launching a decentralized yield farming service that will reward participants with up to 190,000% APY as well as 0.3% of the fees from each trade, for staking their funds. ArbiSmart also has a cryptocurrency exchange in the pipeline for later this year, in addition to a play-to-earn metaverse, where users will be able to purchase, develop and  sell virtual real-estate for actual profit. 

ArbiSmart NFT

Use of all these upcoming services will require RBIS, and as new services are introduced to the ArbiSmart ecosystem further down the line they will also be powered by the native token. So, token demand will go up, while the supply, which is forever capped at 450M RBIS, will drop with every new utility that is released, pushing up the price.

The fact that all the services in the ArbiSmart ecosystem are interlinked further increases RBIS liquidity and demand. Once an RBIS holder has bought an NFT in the marketplace, it can then be used as an in-game item in the metaverse. In addition, cross-hub use of utilities is incentivized so just holding an NFT automatically means a higher yield farming APY. 

The RBIS token shows incredible promise, based on its proven track record of growth and the ongoing expansion of the ArbiSmart hub over the coming months. This is particularly relevant to wallet holders because strong capital gains mean significantly higher profits for balances in all supported currencies. You can buy RBIS here before the new developments are introduced and the price increases. 

To earn unmatched passive profits, on your digital  and traditional currencies in a bull or bear market, now’s the time to open an ArbiSmart interest-generating wallet! 

*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.

The post Do this to more than double your Bitcoin in 1 year appeared first on The Cryptonomist.