Even as many altcoins lost much of their value in 2022, certain others we’re only just hitting their stride. One of the most potentially lucrative up-and-comers is ArbiSmart, an EU authorized crypto finance hub, powered by the RBIS token. Analysts are predicting a rise in the RBIS price of 4,800% by the end of 2022, and 9,000% by the end of Q1, 2023.
There are a number of reasons for the coin’s projected upward trajectory, starting with the launch last month of ArbiSmart’s new interest-generating wallet.
The wallet
Interest-generating wallets are the perfect strategy for storing funds securely and earning a consistent passive profit with zero effort, even in a downturn.
The ArbiSmart wallet supports more than 20 FIAT and cryptocurrencies, from EUR, GBP and USD to BTC, APE and AAVE for industry-leading rates of up to 147%.

There are multiple savings options, ranging from 1 and 3-month short term plans to 1, 3, and 5- year long term plans, with higher interest the longer the funds are locked. The way interest is received is also flexible. The interest, paid out daily, is highest when it is added directly to the locked savings balance, although wallet holders also have the option to send it to a separate, available balance where it can be withdrawn at any time.
So how does the wallet impact the token price?
Your interest rate and compounding opportunities depend on your account level, which is determined by the amount of RBIS you hold. Put another way, more RBIS means bigger profits on your EUR, ETH or any other supported currency.
The token
RBIS ownership is incentivized in other ways too. First and foremost, savings balances in RBIS earn three times more than balances in any other currency. Wallet holders who don’t want to convert their BTC or ETH into RBIS can still boost their bottom line if they choose to just receive their interest in RBIS.

While not a financial incentive, another motivator driving RBIS demand is voting power. One RBIS equals one vote so the more RBIS you own the more of a say you will have over the future direction of the project.
As the recently launched wallet gains traction, more RBIS will be placed locked savings plans, and the amount in general circulation will drop. The amount of RBIS that can ever be created is capped, so as the supply shrinks, and demand grows, the token price is set to rise.
The expansion
Another factor impacting token demand is the development push that is currently underway. In the second half of Q3 and in Q4 of 2022, ArbiSmart is adding to its service portfolio with the introduction of a mobile application, a collection of 10,000 unique digital pieces of art, an NFT marketplace, a decentralized yield farming program, a gaming metaverse and a professional cryptocurrency exchange.
All the utilities in the entire ecosystem are fueled by the native token. Since RBIS is required for use of every new service that ArbiSmart launches, demand will increase, and the price will rise.

The profits
So how are ArbiSmart users making money? Well, there are multiple revenue streams that can simultaneously be exploited to generate profits, even in a bear market.
Automated crypto arbitrage was the first service to be added to the ArbiSmart ecosystem and it generates revenues of up to 45% a year. It makes money from price disparities across exchanges, which occur with the same regularity whether the market is in an upturn or a downturn, making it a great hedge against a falling market
Wallet holders are already earning annual interest of up to 147% plus compounding from wallet savings plans, and later this quarter RBIS holders will also be able to make profits from staking through the decentralized yield farming program, which will reward participants for providing liquidity with up to 190,000% APY, as well as 0.3% of the fees from each trade.
Looking ahead, in the next few months, ArbiSmart users will also be able to earn real-world profits for buying, developing and selling virtual plots of land in the play-to-earn metaverse, while also trading currencies or NFTs. The profits from using these new utilities can be increased if you are using more than one service in the ArbiSmart ecosystem at the same time. For example, certain marketplace NFT’s will boost a gamer’s score in the metaverse.
As a result of all these new interlinked utilities, ArbiSmart users will also be earning massive capital gains on the rising value of the token that is projected to climb to 9,000% of its current value by the end of next year’s first quarter.
To earn the highest possible profit, before the price explodes, buy RBIS now!
*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.
The post RBIS is projected to shoot up 9,000% by 2023 appeared first on The Cryptonomist.