This week’s guest on the Cardano SPO Column is a stake pool based in Brazil, that supports education and diversity in the Cardano Community: Cardanistas StakePool [CARDS].
Last week’s guest was a stake pool operated by Jochen who is working on several projects in the ecosystem and whose mission is to plant trees.
This initiative is a point of reference for everything Cardano and every week or two we will invite a Stake Pool Operator (SPO) to answer some questions and give us an update directly from within the Cardano community.
Considering that many of our readers are new to the crypto space, we will have a mix of simple and technical questions.
Cardano SPO Column, interview with Cardanistas StakePool [CARDS]

Hi, thanks for your time. Tell us something about your team, where are you based and what are your backgrounds?
We are a team of three people originally from Brazil but located across the world. We got Maria, educator, Atico, developer, and Bosco, content creator and translator.
And together we lead a revolution educating Portuguese speakers about Cardano. We got 3 different channels on YouTube, Cardanistas, MariaCarmo369 and BoscoNFT all about Cardano. Together we gather around 25k subscribers.
Our pool Cardanistas has 10.500 delegators, we have more than 3.5K delegators on our Telegram group with whom we keep in touch on a daily basis. We all came from very different backgrounds in Brazil and I believe that’s what makes us more versatile, we mix real life with crypto and education, our best phrase is “The revolution in one ADA at a time”.
What’s the path that led you to Cardano and to become Stake Pool Operators (SPO)?
We first started asking ourselves “how can we take advantage of this massive technology and still make change in the world?” So that’s when we began Cardanistas with the main goal of educating Portuguese speakers. We all know the lack of content in other languages especially when you don’t speak English at all, that could keep you way behind others.
The dream of Financial Freedom is a human dream we all have, so that’s when we decided to really embrace the Portuguese community. There’s over 250 millions Portuguese speakers around the world, so we decided to work together and our flag would be education, which includes and welcomes everyone.
How are cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology viewed in Brazil? What initiatives are you involved in to educate Brazilians about these technologies?
Due to our financial resources, Brazilians are pretty welcoming to crypto and DeFi in general. Most people have already heard about it and show some interest but not everyone has the time and money to put into it, which makes things more difficult, but we are working on bringing more people into blockchain technology. Our biggest initiative to involve and educate people are our social media, especially our YouTube channel (over 10K followers), Instagram and Telegram where we keep creating content weekly.
Besides that, we got DeFi school financed by the Catalyst Cardano Treasury and very soon we will be delivering lessons about Cardano DeFi. There are also other initiatives from other members of the community to which we contribute, for example Catalyst School and Catalyst Brasil, all projects dedicated to educating people. Catalyst School is a project that wants to teach people to participate and to contribute with the community in the Catalyst ecosystem. It’s a real challenge to educate non-English speakers about blockchain.
What are you most looking forward to with Cardano? How will these technologies revolutionize our relationship with money, art and identity?
We have been pretty excited about Cardano and its ecosystem, just the fact that we can be our own bank it’s already mind blowing. We are excited how blockchain is changing our daily life, giving people the chance to have a bank account, identity, lending services and land.
Cardano is coming to these types of people and that makes us really happy. We know how this technology could change people’s lives in Brazil, giving all the same opportunities, you just need a smartphone with Internet connection, this is a revolution.
Lovely. Any final words? Where can people find you?
Firstly thanks for this opportunity to talk about our work as SPOs, educators and content creators that we are.
We are on all social media @cardanistas and @mariacarmo369 don’t forget to check us out!
Disclaimer: The opinions and views of the SPOs are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Cardano Foundation or IOG.
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