Every day new projects are launched in the blockchain network, with more people flooding into the industry to trade and invest. But why are there more investors not participating? The answer is simple. Complexity and lack of knowledge. The Rebus Chain aims to bring a positive turnaround. 

REBUS is building DeFi (decentralized finance) tools that will be integrated into TradFi (traditional finance) management systems to provide unique DeFi assets that are largely accessible through the subsisting investment management structures common to their customers. 

REBUS Platform

The Rebus Platform is a blockchain protocol that seeks to ease crypto investment complexities, boost engagement, and drive mainstream participation in DeFi through TradFi.  

The whole idea behind the Rebus Platform is to provide DeFi instruments through TradFi frameworks. Prospective investors restricted by limited knowledge of how a decentralized economy works can access DeFi assets through trusted traditional financial institutions. REBUS is building decentralized infrastructures that will grant TradFi organizations entry into the DeFI ecosystem.

REBUS Business Model and How it Works

REBUS will utilize the existing business infrastructures of traditional financial institutions to allow access to its DeFi products. This model enables investors to purchase REBUS DeFi products from their local banks.

Financial institutions, such as banks, possess the required technology, technical know-how, finance, and expertise to support the goals of REBUS. Thus, REBUS is partnering with renowned financial institutions in the Swiss financial market first because they have proven knowledge of the crypto economy. Additionally, they also plan to involve other banks in the future.

In the partnership deal, REBUS is saddled with the responsibility of creating awareness for the numerous DeFi products to be introduced in the TradFi institutions. Moreover, they will create supporting infrastructures for the banks to ensure successful transactions.

The initial target markets are banks, insurance institutions, asset managers, etc., and single investors who invest in products offered by such financial institutions. These will add to the portfolio of products and services provided by banks to their respective clients who desire to invest or increase their crypto profile.

REBUS Native Token

REBUS significantly yields its revenue from various fees charged to investors by financial institutions as transaction costs for purchasing DeFi products. These charges may vary according to the nature and volume of a transaction. However, these fees are generated using the REBUS coin – $REBUS, the platform’s native token.   

There is a fixed total supply of the $REBUS coin, which amounts to 1 billion. $REBUS is created through the Cosmos SDK and Ethermint-Evmos project. Given the worth and the various use cases of $REBUS, it has the potential to be listed on major DEX and CEX platforms.

REBUS Products

The Rebus Vault is a decentralized infrastructure that serves as a maximum safe that secures $REBUS deposited by investors irrespective of the product category an investor is interested in. All the REBUS products are divided into two categories: REBUS direct products and REBUS layered products.

REBUS direct products are built, deployed, and sustained in the REBUS vault without third-party applications, smart contracts, or blockchain networks. Conversely, all REBUS layered products utilize applications developed on the REBUS chain network or any available blockchain networks.


The crypto economy is rich in immense potential and opportunities, which REBUS is currently leveraging to develop a system that will connect traditional financial institutions to the DeFi world. This effort will play a vital role to drive DeFi mainstream and further bridge the gap between DeFi and TradFi.