
Gamestop is a Texas company that is involved in an industry with staggering numbers, Gaming

Gamestop loses Matt Finestone

With a phased business plan full of projects that would have led the company to be among the driving leaders in blockchain-driven gaming, it is forced to experience a setback that no one expected. 

Matt Finestone, the company’s brilliant chief, is leaving the company in a lengthy letter to clients and colleagues despite his own great commitment to the evolution of the brand and its growth in volume and revenue that was already bearing fruit.

The letter, which consists of five parts in one passage, highlights Finestone’s attachment and pride in what he has done at GameStop.

“I recently moved from my role as head of blockchain to GameStop. The last year and a half has been one of the most significant of my life. I am so grateful to so many and excited for what this motivated new division will continue to accomplish.”

The Wall Street Journal, in January, stated in an article that the company had created a division tailored to follow the needs of the NFT market with plans to field various synergies and collaborations. 

In this regard last May, the gaming company launched a new wallet for crypto and NFT transactions while last week, it entered into a partnership with cryptocurrency exchange FTX

The ZK rollup technology of the Ethereum Layer 2 wallet protocol has a lower cost and greater speed than the Ethereum Layer 1 Mainnet.

While on the one hand the steps taken in the world of blockchain and cryptography give hope and everything seems headed for a more or less peaceful future, despite the macroeconomic environment, on the other hand the company has to deal with a serious internal quarrel. 

Now that the chief and mind behind the company’s steps in this new asset class has resigned, there could be a series of chain reactions that seem likely to cause the company’s plans to falter. 

It is possible that customers could lose confidence in the plans if the actual person in charge of them decided to step aside in a coup de theatre worthy of the best illusionist, and that the future in the company’s blockchain would again be called into question. 

Will the future head of Gamestop be up to the task?

One chief will be succeeded by another as is normal but the doubts are always the same, one wonders if the latter will be able to take over projects that had already begun, and which had already met with user approval, with the same vision and ability of the person who is replacing him, and if the future will see the light of equally interesting and successful projects. 

Whether or not this will happen is unknown but at least compared to some competitors, GameStop has moved among the first and nicely in this blockchain arena that is new to everyone yet certainly should be exploited to stay ahead of the curve and grasp its full potential. 

The loss of Matt Finestone is great and has caused sorrow for everyone in the company and among the company’s aficionados but, to quote the great Freddie Mercury, “the show must go on!”, especially since the future runs very fast and what today seems to be a company launched very fast in this technological world, could tomorrow find itself as the tail end of the line if it does not know how to react with the right grit to this bump in the road. 

The hope is that it will not go in that direction, and the “lottery” of names for the chief role has not been slow in coming but there is still a lot of uncertainty. 

In a few lines, Finestone finally thanked the company and the development team with whom he worked every day with words of praise and esteem:

“I recently moved from my role as head of blockchain to GameStop. The last year and a half has been one of the most significant of my life. I am so grateful to so many and excited for what this motivated new division will continue to accomplish. Thanks to the GameStop blockchain team, you made the experience great. We went from 0 people to several dozen in a short time and everything we have built, from products to team culture, is due to you. The energy and care you put into it are inspiring. Thanks to GameStop org as a whole, starting a blockchain division at such a large company is not a foregone conclusion. It has appealed to tons of talent and energy from all corners of the organization and to all levels. It would not have been possible without the will of the company. I thank the GameStop community, the most powerful and positive group of people I have ever known, needless to say how fundamental you are. Your energy, enthusiasm and emotion I’m legitimately the fuel that drives the team, it was a great honor to build for and with you”.

The post Gamestop loses important players appeared first on The Cryptonomist.