big eyes coin


Over the last century, humanity’s tumultuous relationship with natural resources has led to catastrophic events such as droughts, wildfires, floods, heatwaves, biodiversity degradation and diseases. According to the recent climate report by the United Nations, carbon dioxide emissions could cause a significant increase of 4.4°C by the end of the 21st century. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies don’t have a good name when it comes to preserving the climate, as the minting process can create a significant carbon footprint. 

But some coins are actively tackling this energy consumption, pledging to go carbon neutral or give back to the planet in other ways. The new token in the market, Big Eyes Coin (BIG), has made a name for itself for tremendous presale numbers. 

Why Is Big Eyes Coin Important?

Marketed as a cute cat, many investors have been actively taking interest in Big Eyes Coin (BIG). And rightly so. The coin is a full-on community token with the express goal of shifting wealth into the DeFi ecosystem and protecting an important part of the world’s ecosystem. Its plan to integrate the NFT club and DeFi platforms is an exciting one. 

However, Big Eyes Coin (BIG) is doing something different from its contemporaries. The token has pledged to give 5% of its profits to ocean preservation projects. 

With the increased use of plastic, ocean wildlife is struggling to cope. And there’s extra danger from global warming and oil spills. To tackle this, several organisations have designed projects to construct ocean conservatories and underwater national parks. 

The 5% profits from the sales of Big Eyes Coin will directly help these organisations to get the marine life back on waves. 

SolarCoin: A Solar Powered Cryptocurrency

The sole purpose of creating SolarCoin (SLR) is to promote solar energy and bring it into mainstream use. Although SolarCoins can be earned by mining in roughly the same way that Bitcoins are, the majority will only be available in exchange for generating Megawatt Hours of electricity back to the grid.

Like most crypto, the profits of SolarCoin (SLR) are dependent on the buy-back price that the users offer. But its use of solar energy will propel more environmentally friendly activities in the crypto markets. 

Cardano Is Eco-friendly

Big Eyes Coin

Developed by the co-founder of Ethereum, Charles Hoskinson, Cardano (ADA) is a digital currency but can also be used in dApps and other platforms. 

Because it uses the ‘Proof of Stake’ mechanism, Cardano (ADA) is inherently more climate-friendly than Bitcoin. The coin doesn’t rely on heavy-minting computers which immediately reduces the risk of carbon footprint. It is reported by some crypto experts, that the token is 37,000 times more energy efficient than Bitcoin (BTC).  

To Sum Up

Big Eyes Coin

With the increasing demand for sustainable and environment-friendly solutions and users that are ambitious to bring positive change, there is a shift in the way crypto markets are working. 

Want to bring change as well as make profits? It’s possible. Join the presale today by clicking on the links below!




*This article has been paid. The Cryptonomist didn’t write the article nor has tested the platform.

The post Here’s How Crypto Is Addressing The Climate Change: Big Eyes Coin, SolarCoin And Cardano appeared first on The Cryptonomist.