elrond crypto EGLD

To celebrate the advent on blockchain and Web3, from 3 to 5 November, the crypto Elrond (EGLD) will hold its first physical event in the heart of Paris. 

Specifically at the Palais Brogniart venue at the Place de la Bourse. The historic Paris Stock Exchange, specifically chosen for the historical representation and representation of the French community in the crypto world. Over 4,000 square meters of exhibition space.

In addition, the event will be live-streamed.

XDay, which is the name of the event, will have many guests from the crypto ecosystem, including Minister Jean-Noël Barrot as a special guest.  

An exclusive event featuring 3 days of conferences about the crypto world and the future of blockchain. With equally exclusive leading partners such as Mastercard, Improbable, Ledger, Runtime Verification, Digital Ocean and Huobi Global.

How to attend Elrond crypto’s XDay

All tickets for the event have sold out. Only premium packages priced at $849, or VIP packages over $1100 also payable with Elrond crypto (EGLD) are available.

The ticket offers many benefits including: 

  • Access to the Elrond Community Party;
  • Access to the NFT museum;
  • Access to the auditorium, where lectures will be held;
  • Premium access to the X Day Lounge;
  • Premium merchandise

A true experience in the crypto world.

What to expect from the event?

The opening day will be devoted to building blocks for decades to come and will show the entire journey of Elrond, from its origins to the present. 


The second day will be dedicated to the future, to the new paths that will open thanks to Elrond. Lectures and discussions among leaders of the crypto ecosystem, with the goal of reinventing the future.

On the third and final day there will be a return to Elrond, giving space to developers and partners. In addition, space will be devoted to the expansion of Elrond. 

The crypto browser from Opera Software is now compatible with Elrond

Opera is one of the largest web browser companies in the world, counting over 300 million users through their desktop and mobile products. In its +20 years of existence Opera has had a strong history of pioneering innovation that has also led them to be a door opener when it comes to embracing Web3 technologies. 

This is how the partnership with Opera Browser was announced on Elrond’s website:

“We are thrilled to announce that Elrond & Opera have entered into a partnership which will allow all Opera users direct access to the Elrond ecosystem. This will make EGLD, Elrond assets and applications built on our network accessible for their massive user base, further increasing adoption avenues.

Elrond’s novel approach to consensus and sharding algorithms allows it to achieve remarkable performance while using the least amount of energy possible and without overly relying on high-end hardware.

We’re excited to be tapping into Opera’s vast userbase to offer them cheaper, faster transactions as well as access to Elrond’s burgeoning dApp ecosystem.”

The CEO of Elrond, Beniamin Mincu, and the entire team, seem genuinely excited and ready for the new partnership.