lugano finance forum

On 22 November, the eleventh edition of the Lugano Finance Forum (LFF) will be held at the Palazzo dei Congressi.

Lugano Finance Forum reaches its eleventh edition

For years now, this event, in addition to topics related to more traditional finance, has competently addressed many issues related to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

Alongside the various asset management companies, including Robeco, abren, Gam, Swissquote, IG bank, this year there are numerous presences attributable to realities operating in this sector: Seba Bank, 21Shares, SDX, Aktionariat, LCX, GenTwo, Crypto Finance and many others.

The day’s schedule includes a packed “Blockchain & Crypto session” that will be presented by Amelia Tomasicchio (CEO and co-founder of The Cryptonomist).

She will be in charge of introducing topics such as “crypto winter,” covered both by Yves Longchamp (Seba Bank) and discussed in a panel whose protagonists will be Greg Mall (Seba Bank), Stefan Schwitter (Crypto Finance) and Federico Morgantini (Forbes Italia).

Nicola Plain (Aktionariat) will talk about asset tokenization, as will Lars Schlichting (Kellerhals Carrad) along with Luca Ambrosini (Pepper). We also highlight talks by Massimo Butti (SDX) and Monty Metzger (LCX) on how the advent of cryptocurrencies and blockchain will evolve finance.

Riccardo Esposito, CEO of Finlantern, organizer of LFF, reiterates: 

“We have been closely following this world for years, we were among the first to organize a conference in Switzerland on Bitcoin and the first to introduce, in a planned way, lectures on these topics within an event dedicated to finance.

Our event fits perfectly in a city that has always been a financial hub, and since last spring has announced its ‘PlanB’ project, aimed at making it a hub also in the blockchain world.”

Another keynote at the event will be Gernot Blümel, current CEO of Superfund Group, formerly Austria’s Minister of Finance (2020-2021). 

“At this special time, we couldn’t do without an authoritative voice who can give us all a very important overview of the current and prospective economic and financial scenario. And we are especially proud to have with us Gernot Blümel who, after his speech, will also answer questions from our audience.”

The detailed program, and all its key players, can be viewed on the website.

For more information and registration here is the official website.