Analysis of Unicredit and Azimut stocks, in the Italian sector, and Tesla and GameStop stocks for US tech.
Unicredit and Azimut in positive, Tesla and GameStop the best-performing stocks
Tesla Inc. (TSLA)
The Austin, Texas-based company meets a more than positive stock market day in which shares touch $169.91 +1.22%.
The acquisition of Twitter has given the histrionic naturalized Canadian entrepreneur some rough patches, but the solution is the infamous “Tesla method.”
During the launch of the first successful Tesla, to perfect the queen EV car, Musk essentially slept in the office working grueling shifts until the car of the future was realized.
This uncommon but certainly profitable method is the secret of Tesla‘s success, which is now also rejoicing over another milestone.
On the story, the Times had reported:
“However, the billionaire’s experience with what he called Tesla’s ‘production hell’ has also become a model for dealing with the crisis that has arisen in Twitter.”
Now as mentioned, the automaker said it has reached the milestone of as many as 40,000 Superchargers (Tesla’s electric car charging stations) made and operating worldwide.
This is a hugely important milestone that elevates the automaker’s 2022 as a key year for the company’s future.
Tesla is essentially investing in its own future and the development of the electric mobility industry in general by working hard to bring Superchargers to every corner of the planet.
By June it had touched 35,000 charging points, and in the past five months, it has been traveling at a pace of 1,000 more stations per month.
Unicredit (UCG)
Italy’s largest banking institution celebrates 13.46 euros per share with a jump of 0.21%.
This trend bodes well for the short term by setting the stage for a bullish trend.
The stock could rise further in the opinion of most analysts if it continues above 13.49 euros.
The support that is above the previous session is key in the short term.
The stock compared to the FTSE Italia All-Share outperformed the index by 0, 34% and did better than the market (volume of 11,890,310 shares).
Moreover, between 14 and 18 November 2022, the company continued with its share buy-back plan with an additional 5.72 million shares at a weighted average price of 12.99 euros each.
With the second part of the 2021 buy-back, Unicredit repurchased 77,937,918 total shares corresponding to 3.85% of the capital for a total value of 881.04 million euros.
Azimut Holding (AZMT)
Also part of the financial sector, Azimut appreciated, touching 19.56 euros with +0.28% after it had left the field 3.53% in the past six months and as much as 26% since January.
The stock’s rise supports hopes for a short-term upward trend.
The stock underperformed the FTSE Italia All Share index by 0.50% on the previous day.
Volumes fell to 347,609 trades also underperforming the weekly average with investor interest waning at this stage of the year which favors lower volatility.
The company that administers 84 billion euros is controlled by management and employees through Timone Fiduciaria, which holds 22% of the capital which makes it independent of other financial groups.
However, Timone Finanziaria stands on a guarantee made by Azimut’s own shares, which as seen in the recent FTX deal is not always a good idea.
GameStop (GME)
The gaming company gains 4.53%, proving to be the queen of the sector with shares spurting to $26.30.
However, despite gaming’s golden moment for the past 3 years it is struggling to take off galvanized by the Pay-to-Play that increasingly takes new recruits.
The American Grapevine company represents the world’s largest online and physical store of new and used video games.
In 2022, GameStop had a pump in Central Europe that is soon skimmed as it is the result of speculation.
The company represents the number one trending ticker on social platforms reaching a session volume of more than 11.30 million.
The average session volume even tripled to 4.64 million.
However, 20.13% of its shares are short while the total count is 268 million.