intervista andrea chiampo

As previously announced, The Cryptonomist and The Nemesis have solidified their partnership with the launch of the first talk show in the metaverse

Now reaching the ninth episode, today’s interview is with NFT artist Andrea Chiampo.

The Nemesis & The Cryptonomist: new metaverse and NFT-themed interviews

The Nemesis had already partnered with The Cryptonomist for several events and interviews held virtually, and will now host this innovative initiative in its metaverse.

The Talk show will cover a variety of topics ranging from crypto and digital art to the world of NFTs. Each week there will be guests in the virtual living room ready to discuss the latest news in this field. 

With the realization of this innovative project, The Cryptonomist and The Nemesis lay the groundwork for what may be the future of communication and edutainment, confirming once again that they are pioneers in the field. 

Interview with Andrea Chiampo: the story of the NFT artist

Chiampo, in addition to being a successful NFT artist, has worked and still works as a graphic designer for entertainment industry companies, including prominent names such as Disney and Netflix. The artist says he discovered his artistic calling in his college days, when he started being a concept artist as a hobby, creating a portfolio and sharing his work online. 

Working as a freelancer, he has always managed to set aside time for himself to pursue his passions such as, for example, his work with NFTs. Stepping out of his comfort zone to create something for which he is solely responsible, for better or worse, has been very positive for him.

Andrea is also the Italian artist to have created several characters in the successful Netflix series The Sandman.

Watch the video here: