fRiENDSiES are your forever friend. Your new digital companion and inclusion into the kindness community aka the garden. This collection of 10,000 NFTs is made possible with love from FriendsWithYou. Choose from infinite character combinations including custom heads, bodies, sprouts, handheld items, tails, and more! These traits contain dozens of special 1/1s and extremely rare attributes to collect. Each fRiENDSiES is custom built during the mint by the collector with our one-of-a-kind character builder, FRENGEN. The entire collection will be built & curated simultaneously by our community.

The fRiENDSiES universe begins by generating your fRiENDSiES and will extend into the metaverse, real-life experiences & art installations, and limited edition items. Ultimately, your fRiENDSiES will become an AR AI companion that will bring you joy. Join us on this journey as we build a better world where generosity, care, and altruism are rewarded!

The total number of owners has reached 3368.

NFT Collection fRiENDSiES Price and Sales

The market capitalization of fRiENDSiES NFT collection is 168.42 ETH. For all time, 12,778 collections sales were made at an average price of 0.29 ETH (~$474.09 at the time of writing). This created a total volume in 3,762.508 ETH. The floor price of fRiENDSiES is 0.015 and the 30-day trading volume is kept at 3.84 ETH. The payment tokens of the fRiENDSiES collection are ETH, WETH.

fRiENDSiES traits list

Build Status

Built 10000


Golden ttt burger 15
Golden bat 6
Burger bud 222
Star pack 487
Taco 283
Travel cat 467
Ghostin 431
Pretty wings 120
Rainbow ttt 6
Slitheran 40
Flame 398
Star bag 498
Marmat 165
Skate or die forever 30
Hugbug 281
Rainbow tail 330
Rocket 117
Aqualung 120
Little cloud 497
Beaver 10
Wings 119
Amethyst shell 60
Peacock 31
Rainbow 119
Egg 258
Rainbow bag ttt 120
Ocky 291
Wishes 396
Pip 60
Monkey 402
Flowery 284
Ocean 366
E girl 224
Prop 119
Bat 119
Grabber 60
Fox 215
Butterfly 118
Shruken 20
Pill 259
Scorpio 58
Adventure gold sword 16
Captain love 120
Panda 263
Lion 10
Skate or die 20
Eco cleanse 60
Bbboi 30
Butterfly samurai 10
Slime bat 58
Bone death 29
Bustiin 119
Fairy 21
Little golden cloud 33
Bomba 6
Happy ryder 20
9tails 20
Juice 60
Ttt burger 20
Gold shruken 10
Bumbud 41
The bag 10
Chesh 30
Rainbow wings 6
Adventure sword 20
Rainbow bag 3
Hard shell 3
Sk8brdp 1
Chard 9
Golden fairy 10
Devil 5
Red ruby shell 1
Turtle power 10
Gm girl 2
Pretty gold wings 9
Goldberg 2


Gold death 26
Little golden cloud 15
Happy cloud 131
Little cloud 391
Crown up 173
Sprout ii 35
Zap 183
Paris hat 3
Drone 49
Chef 30
Devil 287
Tom 49
Little sprout 46
Wizardance 20
Sapphire 14
Rainbow punk 22
Bunbun 33
Black kitty 89
Summer 40
Pop 69
Cyan kitty 47
Bow red 63
Cowboy hat 119
Cherry 15
Frogger 76
Kodak 15
Flower light 37
Rainbow antenna 61
Stem2 53
Friends key 61
Bright 39
Flubi 83
Blip 1 66
Magic 181
Puff 28
Rainbow ears 83
Connector 48
Happy cap 93
Yellow heart 26
Veggy 44
Sacred gnome 9
Booboo 2 101
Leaf 58
Blue shell 32
Spirit horns 55
Pop top gold 9
Cactus horns 26
Princess crown 27
Datboi 54
Blue daisy 40
Orange cone 23
Pop top red 61
Resting golden leaf 9
Brain 43
Friend key 90
Good night 74
Holy yellow hat 10
Blue kitty 40
Red heart 112
Star power 101
Ruby2 57
Island boy 83
Princess gold 27
Yellow kitty 44
Custer 40
Big frog 40
Purple kitty 37
Leaf long 67
Daisy 40
Garbonzo 23
Toads 55
Black pyramid 8
Krikit 40
Red shell 9
Green kitty 56
Alien eyes 28
Stem 2 3
Swirly 45
Hayao 67
Stem 52
Flame 9
Antenna 82
Tomato 36
Floofy 7
Swivel 38
Ocky rocky 29
Resting green leaf 43
Mantis 66
Wagmi 53
Catalan 46
Rainbow horn 42
Green heart 49
Tulip 9
Blip 2 90
Red balloon 15
Kaku 37
Slime 27
Crown down 9
Pink heart 15
Sapphire2 28
Warp 28
Rainbow crown 42
Gold bloom 27
Pink kitty 51
New hair 55
Luminati 15
Dish 15
Sleathering 45
Bonzo 53
Blue heart 45
Worm hole 13
All seeing 9
Bloom 15
Pie 15
Holy hat 8
Bones 10
Gold leaf 34
Death king 30
Bubii 3
Wagm ll 57
Angel 13
Turk 39
Booboo 38
Crown 1 9
Witch2 22
Space eyes 15
Zip 9
Sprout 56
Rainbow death 10
Usb 8
Brown kitty 62
Purp eyes 3
Laspadas 9
Bow green 23
Purp mush 3
Bow yellow 16
Neon boo 9
Tulip red rose 3
Cookiti 53
White kitty 51
Wagm l 31
The child 25
Pop top blue 37
Flower top 40
Totem 13
Rainbow tulip 9
Mt 44
Curnucopia 12
Simon 3
Wagm lll 39
X-mass 20
Stew 9
Magic power 9
Butt head 36
Wizzy 14
Mad heart 25
Bud 28
Red dunce 9
Boiboi 8
Wagm 5
Blooming tree 30
Flower top daisy 16
Wagmiii 15
Hammer time 15
Job of the hun 9
Blue dunce 9
Red mush 3
Browny 14
Snow white 17
Bum head 9
Ruby 15
Gold boot 15
Yellow dunce 7
Little pop 3
Pink daisy 1


Super 7 deemon god 9
Gold tree man 3
Roboto 177
Ying yang twin 136
Grey cloud 21
Power up 113
Little chick 33
Glory 43
Angel cloud 119
Bella 120
Ye 4
Gil 41
Goldy 02 169
Head in the cloud 212
Frosted cloud boy 30
Burnt potato 80
Kizzi 418
Bonni 109
Mr chukus 31
Lucy 100
Potato dad 60
Gold gem 15
Puffi white 79
Donnie 20
Happy 102
Deli 60
Koala 115
Frenbear orange 15
Grape 88
Diamond head 5
Head in the rainbow 38
Mr universe 59
Frosted blue cloud boy 148
Rainbow god 242
Starry night 184
Mr ttt 50
Block head 64
Rooborto 10
Apple sport 46
Lucky 10
Aquaboy 59
Kuktis 20
Stixx 47
Carrot 43
Metaphysical toadstool 159
Coco 57
Bone head 9
Fluglur 60
Michel 65
Mengi 62
Marlin 19
Muffy 34
White elephant 120
Grey 60
Windows 35
Frenbear pink 5
Rainbow angel 20
Mooni 99
The boy 69
Seeds 43
Greg 3
Mikey the rookie 88
Ocean 20
Power up gold 16
Star blazer 167
Strawberry kid 58
Full skeleton 20
Queen 43
Rookie lll 10
Toadstool 125
Alive 20
Frenbear green 15
Sheeple 20
Cloudots 124
Atom 59
Ar1 104
Red rider 52
Drip 53
Cleopatra 20
Moss head 43
Johnny 4
Spectrum 51
Enoki 9
Lex 9
Mauri 20
Death 30
Martha 59
Amor 5
Chippi 10
Chico 18
Fuzzy 20
Bros 20
Pott 46
Caramelito 42
Strawberry boy 35
Bread 41
Bb bear 86
Sam blue 15
Frogo 20
Roger 41
Flower kid 78
Mookmook 10
Buster 119
Rocket 17
Colors 11
Avo 64
Lola 29
Plasma head 10
Hearts 106
Gale 30
Rob 19
Burble 33
Mom garden 66
Turtle king 10
Fluffy pop 37
Pea head 45
Bob 44
Le bear 47
Sunset cloud boy 11
Trippy 14
Butane 69
Whilli 63
Sali mue 20
Patrick 79
Jackie 101
Elon 10
Sussie 81
Bebe 47
Booboo 3
Rainbow brain 36
Golden 56
Zzz top 10
Alex 8
Algae fro 20
Bauzli 4
Golden hearts 11
Big ben 11
Mountain head 3
Rookie iii 10
Lord 8
Fliper 31
Mushi jr 41
Steve 20
Gordo 62
Brother egg 40
Mushi 61
Lightning 21
Cleo 27
Rainbow 10
Blue 50
Tury red 16
Jelly 50
24k fish 9
Funzi 45
Kang 10
Dancing bear 10
Whimpi 3
Casper 58
Fluff 36
Golden cloud boy 16
King of heaven 1
Gold elephant 4
Frenbear brown 5
Goldfish 2
Zkuork 10
Diplo 1
Portal 5
Cool cloud boy 10
Amathyst 2
Velcro 5
Acron scout 40
Wesli 3
The devil 2
Baby 5
Xplorer b53 5
Mekacor 10
Gang 5
Hunk 10
Silver god of space 1
Goldberry kid 10
Frog helmet 94
Limiti 43
Tront 3
Dead alive 10
Porky 32
Jen 20
Rainbow tree man 10
King albino 5
Peace 3
Gus 20
Wes 1
Riddle 1
Hoodi 20
Xtinman 2
Brony 10
Ancient poison 1
Teacher 3
Island 3
Candy head 10
Sunni 5
Seed 29
Space invader 20
Hawky 20
Shiva 31
Zarconan 3
Moss 37
Akki 5
Jake 10
Johnny gold 1
Unicorn 3
Zirko 38
Saturday 20
Earthworm 20
Greeni 30
Sweety 36
Gus ii 42
Fire heart 3
Pale alien 40
Witch 5
Tree head 10
Super frogo 15
Home 10
Fred 5
Flower hill 32
Squish 5
Adams apple 36
Mr 40
Happy house 19
Kaktus 36
Warning 3
Zhu 3
Miguel 30
Ziggy 37
Shubri 20
Goldy 3
Slino 4
Kaki 3
Little beeper 34
Orangina 32
Onigiri 5
Top 5
Lucky lu 2
Simon 5
Will 6
White 4
Zork 20
Puffi 32
Fruite goon 35
Fufu 10
Tiktok 5
Ray ray 10
Bub 31
Register 21
Treeple 39
Shoebaca 19
Master ruby 2
Frenbear blue 5
Kusama 1
Rotten strawberry 10
Tea 10
Purp 33
Zorkon 20
Sunshine 3
Tomato head 3
Lime wire 27
Astro kid 2
Silverado 1
Ultra ruby 1
Steven 51
Rob 2 20
Dark grey cloud 21
Buddy chub 2 30
Buddy vibe 120
Dobule buddy chub 14
Samo 1
Andy 1
Fuzzy wuzzy 1
Sam 1
Tury 1


Super 7 deemon god 9
Alive golden 5
Lord 175
Xplorer suit 45
Little cloud boy 60
Infinity 400
Anderson 49
Acron scout 37
Super potato 104
Sky 3
Graduation 41
Lv 60
Tuxedo 328
Milacarus 76
Frosted cloud boy 87
Prison fish 75
Green shorts 32
Eggxelent 84
Full skeleton 228
Lavender dream 5
Rainbow brain 10
Fwy camper 45
Spectrum 62
Jhony rockets 58
Big 53
Super rainbow suit 109
Hearts gang 42
Sunset 56
The rooki 21
Killer overalls 55
Farmeralls 45
Trippy 20
Kid rainbow 118
Mookmook 79
Rainbow spaceship 74
Rainbow journey man 48
Lucky white 189
Aztek 39
Cloud pajamas 96
Unifield 77
Boston 114
Fly 45
Good boy 32
Neighbor 29
Perkly 38
Woodchuck 10
Knight 96
Bauzli 56
Metaphysical spots 114
Ying master 39
Preppi 36
Cado 50
Happy blue boy 81
Waiter 19
Zirko 38
Roots 32
Cow boy 49
Joneses 49
Zikgets 26
Invader 20
Normandy 30
Yield 53
R8xp12 120
Rainbow tree man 71
Joker purp 33
Frosted blue cloud boy 61
Cloudots 120
Double brick 34
Asylum 46
Gold shorts 15
Mold 20
Heinz 109
America 20
Stark 26
Peace 21
Rider parker 43
Dead 47
Buddy chub 15
Poison glass 20
Killer prince 10
Sussie 20
Fractal 59
Kaki 3
Party shorts ii 22
Board 55
Atom 43
Wheelbarrel 49
Flame 36
Soil 45
Rolls 20
Slino 23
Star blazer 67
Starry suit 76
Robinhood 70
Rainbow vortex 119
Pox 28
Lex 18
Sun shine 67
Super 10
Farmer 50
Green fuzz 28
Whim 30
Brown 18
Quick blue 52
Limiti 37
Mushroom suit 60
Star party 27
Treeple 32
Rainbow unitard 68
Pants 76
Pop 29
Rain man 58
Orange 27
Kusama 2 94
Happy trails 19
Flower garden 30
Ice red 62
Joker suit 26
Billy bbq 36
Dots 20
Michel 21
Sticks 30
Captain 22
Zacaruyas 26
Brown blazer 44
Bathroom break 32
Golden cloud boy 20
Hunk 52
German shorts 28
Killer 61
Toga party 27
Golden hearts 10
Angel overalls 55
Serious 20
Register 24
Loco 36
Alive 20
Gold navel 39
Green 56
Zander 33
Ant army 31
Amor 5
Colors 60
Cornfield 10
Muffy 20
Earth 43
Florida 48
Mengi 112
Boy blue 10
Sauce 24
Gordo light 36
Chukus the boxer 45
Dragon 38
Xtr cloud suit 53
Bones 19
Fussi 29
Argentina 30
Loggy 35
Green mckney 10
Hatchling 28
Jobs 5
Baseman 3
Traveler 33
Shubri 33
Yellow submarine 55
Fat mushi 38
Space 10
Moebius 3
Will 26
Jones 10
Andy 2
Bear boxers 30
Star demon 61
Lucky gold 9
Amathyst 1
Samo 1
Portal 5
Burble 30
Su 1
Ceasar 24
Zipper 5
Infinity quest 20
The devil 2
Sea captain 17
Maui 18
King of heaven 2
Gang 5
Rooborto 10
Purple ranger 36
Mekacor 10
Kennedy 46
Rider 1
Fruits 22
Pentz 27
Sunset cloud boy 4
Silver god of space 1
Gold suspenders 3
Pruitt 1
Purp bunny 1
Brony 5
Ancient poison 1
Earthworm 20
Party shorts 22
Fashion 55
Drive 27
Frog suit 41
Flower hill 29
Kusama 1
Portland 38
Chicken skin 36
Tront 3
Conductor 28
Akki 39
Suspension suit 5
Crystal 3
Kizzi maru 49
Bebe 30
Island 10
Garden 57
Leaf bowtie 24
Hearts overalls 39
Johnny gold 1
Climber 22
Button 5
Lola 20
Prision fish 35
Tooker 44
Ice 3
Acrobat 19
Pink 29
Polka domino 6
Black and white 3
Lover wrestler 30
Tightie whities 32
Ocean 11
Terracota 23
Planter 38
Apple sport 27
Tippy 28
Picknick 43
Brown body 22
Bubbles 3
Polkadot boxers 17
Spider shirt 27
Fatboy 10
Tury 2
Silverado 1
Body boy 31
Green beans 22
Cinnamon bun 22
Jill 10
Yogi 27
Rainbow suspender 3
Trun 3
Couch billy 22
Bella bunny 19
Spider death 3
Sanches 20
Master ruby 1
Fire heart 1
Xtinman 2
Flashy 1
Fuzzy wuzzy 1
Sam 1


God hammer 60
Magic staffv 4
Punchy 500
Flower white 99
Bop 390
Death rattle 448
Pink heart wand 59
Kareoki 59
Sprinkles 138
Wubby 60
Staffv 499
Bday 30
Shark tooth 329
Kaleidoscope 500
Laser arm 30
Gator 330
Boomer 500
Laser evil 120
Bubby 388
Cupids arrow 459
Loli 119
Rocket pop 478
Swirlie 499
Adcsdcjkskdjv 405
Book of ocean 381
Moon staff 328
Fwogy 404
Guess 120
Brass knuckles 120
Flower red 120
Hoagie 20
Party 3
God hammer gold 43
Sauce 3
Gold sharktooth 40
Bear 119
Torch 119
Flower purple 58
Star wand 120
Mint swirlie 10
Weights 270
Orb 20
Saw 3
Flaming sword 21
Axe 19
Rebirth 16
Guest 20
Golden wand 11
Gold moon staff 11
Gauntlet 3
Gold book of ocean 5
Flaming golden sword 5
Laser good 10
Zubby 11
Laser rainbow saver 4
Forkd 5
Harry 11
Purple heart wand 1
Cane 20
Lagartija 10
Green heart wand 3
Cupids gold arrow 30
Gm 5
Bday p 3
Flaming blue sword 3
Heavens key 15
Miami moon staff 3
Katana 5
Pink sprinkles 10
Corps 5
Cane mint 1


Wrappers gold 162
Roboot 60
High boots black 275
Convos black and white 120
Low tops yellow 348
Low tops black 304
Low tops brown 164
High boots brown 143
Goldies 417
Paris boots 1
Cloud slippers 499
Convos white 121
Low tops red 308
Trainers black 495
High boots red 266
Polka boots blue with white dot 119
White puffer boots 256
Polka boots yellow with black dot 119
Pineapple boots 60
Emeralds 119
Boggies 237
Duckies 121
Low tops white 243
Rainbow boosters 119
Polka boots red with black dot 119
Sheeeewi 316
High boots skyblue 129
High boots yellow 213
Tone boots yellow blue 118
Bouncies 60
High heels 190
Strawberry boots 59
Convos green red 118
Rainbow boots long 5
Crusto kicks 60
Low tops green 174
High boots white 246
High boots blue 125
High boots green 164
Startup 10
Tone boots white black 120
Convos pink 121
Bing bongs 21
Polka boots red with white dot 120
Rainbow boots 51
Love slippers 176
Cloud boots 60
Furfurs 20
Bunners 121
Bacas 60
Low tops blue 131
Low tops cyan 180
Low tops purple 144
Wrappers black 20
Trainers 294
Rainbow sheeeewi 10
Valenciaga 4
Richi sneakers 19
Eggplant boots 59
Tone boots rasta 120
Poop sheeeewi 60
Tone boots red purple 120
Wrappers pink 20
Wrappers blue 19
Skuglers 11
Pink chankletas 19
Cloud gold slippers 11
Wrappers green 19
High boots purple 132
Furp jords 3
Paris boots brown 1
Purp furs 2
Red sheeeewi 3
Monster boots 5
Astro boots 5
Nomnoms 5
Ruby red slippers 3


Cutie 157
Watcher 142
Open 338
Muzzy 86
Looki 80
Toots 137
Pix 2 48
Foxy 154
Berp 93
Freaky 60
Out 219
Boosy 103
Zoobie 19
Fren 243
Animal 5
Peacey 186
Frookie 76
Ha 110
Oooo 5
Kissy 78
Kit kat 5
Mow 124
Harry 74
Fight 60
Ssslimer 5
Xavier 83
King albino 229
Trust 178
Barf 60
Nope 87
Pix 165
Snickers 60
Grins 87
Lovee 149
Mako 61
Mr 19
Pak 20
God 167
Happy 5
Yow 94
Deal w it 61
Mfer 144
Glooms 65
3d 20
Head angel 20
Gm bear 10
Glork 116
Bub 97
Flippy 20
Smiles 215
Gm 82
Kitty 120
Derp 146
Vr 20
Evil 166
Bruh 4
Mitch 20
Bill 76
Godley 4 eyes 61
Cubie 111
Happy friend 94
Ace 3
Romeo 98
Boobie 101
Bruck 56
Xxyxlex 82
Mopsey 10
Meh 69
Andy 74
Bye bye 20
Birdie 94
Soulless 3
Pepe 6
Rainbow king 3
Rosey 68
Skick 3
Mork 64
Kilowat 10
Googie 2 74
Blueberry face mask 5
The shinning 20
Digibin 57
Shug 10
Psycho 75
Monster 10
Gluggy 40
Ryan 70
Astro 10
Yum 20
Rainbow eyes 3
Acid 3
Spicey 20
Golden eyes 4
Wippy 50
Fee fee 62
Boyle 20
Snowflake 10
Beelzabubba 20
6 eyes 20
Garnfoil 5
Pudding 5
Zugy 62
Gogun 2
Bryan 4
Thinker 3
Woojack 3
Killer mfer 7
Lickity 5
Flex 1
F-1000 1
Starpro 19
Zeek 3
Layla 45
The nothing 3
Boop 68
Pio 76
May may 51
Flirp 5
Veywxylyk 19
Ahhh 54
Potter 5
Baby yoda 6
Scarcrow 3
Sally 4
Zax 5
Getthy 59
Aooau 20
Bingo 5
Hii 45
Goldfish 5
Emerald 5
Cucumber eyes 3
Panaa 5
Sugar 3
True 3

fRiENDSiES fees

  • Buyer fee to dev: 0 basis points
  • Seller fee to dev: 750 basis points
  • Buyer fee to 0 basis points
  • Seller fee to 250 basis points
  • Buyer fee: 0 basis points
  • Seller fee: 1000 basis points

fRiENDSiES editors list

The approved editor’s accounts of fRiENDSiES collection are 0x9213ccca8cba95d90134f28391caf1453e12c5d2, 0x912a526852527dfb5d44c22a15b708aa493cda6b.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.