Extroverts turn out to be the best performers, as well as the ones who hold the most Very interesting crypto news has recently come out about the personality that cryptocurrency holders generally have.
In particular, CryptoVantage published the outcome of a survey that describes the classic cryptocurrency investor very well.
CryptoVantage’s survey of crypto holders
According to the survey conducted by CryptoVantage on a sample of one thousand crypto investors, and dedicated to their investment habits, it was found that investors’ personality traits are correlated not only with their investment choices but also with their performance.
In particular, four pairs of opposite personalities were identified, and a kind of profile of the average investor was drawn for each of them.
First pair
The first pair is the one that pits extroverts against introverts.
Extroverts turn out to be more inclined to seek novelty and excitement, such that they are more attracted to risk-on investments. Introverts, on the other hand, may be less impulsive, but for example, compared to extroverts they invest a bit more in cryptocurrencies such as ADA and XRP and prefer USDT.
Extroverts curiously turned out to prefer USDC and were 28% more likely to invest in cryptocurrencies than in stocks. They also gained more from crypto investments in the past year, while introverts turn out to be more likely to invest during a recession.
Second pair
The second pair pits emotional versus rational people. Emotional people are 15 percent more likely to become addicted to cryptocurrency trading.
In this case, emotional people prefer USDC and USDT, while rational people prefer Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Third pair
The third pair pits practical people against intuitive people.
Here the differences become greater, with a large prevalence of Bitcoin among practical people, while intuitive individuals are probably more attracted to smaller cryptocurrencies.
Fourth pair
The last pair pits organized and orderly people against those who are more flexible and adaptable.
Again there is a clear prevalence of Bitcoin among the ordered people, who also have a slight prevalence in the propensity to invest in Cardano, while the flexible have a greater propensity toward USDT.
Note, however, that only the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization were considered except BNB and BUSD, i.e., those linked to Binance.
Favorite cryptocurrencies
A single cryptocurrency that is of greater interest than the other profiles was also associated with each profile.
Interestingly, the cryptocurrency that extroverts are specifically more attracted toward than others was found to be USDC, while for introverts it is Stellar (XLM).
The one more specific to emotionalists is Polygon (MATIC), while for rationals it is Ethereum.
Practical people are also particularly attracted to Polygon (MATIC), despite often not being particularly emotional, while intuitive people turn out to be attracted to VeChain (VET).
Finally, paradoxically, the orderly turn out to be more attracted than others to Shiba Inu (SHIB), while the flexible turn out to be attracted to Tether (USDT).
The latter data are somewhat surprising but is also to note that the analyzed sample was not very large (one thousand investors).
The gains made
At the top of the list of average annual earnings obtained from cryptocurrency investments are the extroverts, with almost $900. However, it should be mentioned that these figures were deduced from the statements provided by the respondents, so it may be that they do not correspond exactly to reality. Not surprisingly, it was the extroverts who reported higher earnings.
Just behind the extroverts are the practical people, with nearly $880. Note that they are also the two categories that most reported investing in Bitcoin.
All the other six categories reported an average annual gain of between $660 and 725 percent, with intuitives and rationals coming out worst in this ranking.
Rationals appear to have invested particularly heavily in Ethereum, while intuitives are among those who have invested the least in Bitcoin.
How much was invested?
The ranking does not change when percentage returns are taken into account.
In fact, in the lead are always the extroverts, with 14 percent earned on an average investment of more than $6,200, along with the practicals with always 14 percent but on a slightly lower investment ($6,100). So the practicals earned less than the extroverts only because they invested less.
Note that at the bottom of this ranking, with a 10 percent annual return, are the rationals and the flexibles, both with investments higher than the two categories that dominate this ranking.
The rationals invested an average of $6,300, while the flexibles even passed over $7,000. In other words, flexibles are the ones who invested the most and got lower returns, among these eight categories. They are also the ones who invested the least as a percentage in Bitcoin.
Intuitives also achieved lower returns, 11 percent, but against an average investment of $6,100.
In contrast, introverts are the ones who invested the least ($5,700), achieving a perfect average return of 12 percent. At this point, it is also better understood why introverts are precisely the ones who claim to invest the most during the recession.
Behavior during the bear market
Those who seem least frightened by the bear market are the practical people, as 86 percent of them said they invested during the bear market, and 81 percent said they held.
Among those who said they invested during the bear market, the flexible and emotional (85 percent) also stand out.
In contrast, curiously, extroverts reported 79 percent holding during the bear market, which may broadly reveal what strategy they are following to achieve the highest gains among all these categories.