agix crypto singularitynet

AGIX is the crypto that is riding the bullish wave of artificial intelligence the most, alongside The Graph.

Today the AGIX crypto is worth €0.47, the token appreciates by 10.88% compared to yesterday with a daily volume of €474.94 million.

AGIX and speculation about Musk’s interest

The price of AGIX, the SingularityNET token, is registering impressive growth.

The interest shown by the Tesla co-founder about finding alternative solutions to ChatGPT has given a boost to the entire AI-related crypto sector.

It had been a while since the luminary Elon Musk laid the groundwork for a move into the artificial intelligence asset class.

The truth is that his relationship with artificial intelligence goes back a long way; the first machine – AI experiments are indeed his.

After the early successes, the tycoon had abandoned the project, saying he was worried about the future and that the technology was too dangerous, an even greater danger than nuclear power.

Recently, however, there has been a renewed interest in the face of ChatGPT’s success, and so Elon Musk, with the threat of missing a train, has stepped back in.

The entrepreneur’s first move was to hire Igor Babusckin, a former employee and researcher at Google’s DeepMind AI unit.

Taking Babusckin, was a move that seen from the eyes of analysts shows a new descent of Musk into the artificial intelligence branch.

This series of connections was enough to set off massive speculation about SingularityNET’s AGIX.

AGIX is the most representative token in the AI branch and is also the one with the best track record in trying to merge blockchain and AI technology.

Speculation is on two fronts, first is to take Elon Musk’s interest in AI as a given and then that Musk is interested in AGIX itself.

However, imagination is one thing and reality is another, so if one wants to speculate it must be done carefully.

The performance of the crypto SingularityNET (AGIX)

SingularityNET’s AGIX has been moving from one rise to another for weeks now, and this is encouraging investors.

Since the early days of 2023, AGIX has been growing relentlessly, recording a 10% leap forward even today.

Interest around artificial intelligence is booming and with it, so is interest in AGIX.

The token’s bullish movement, despite a stop in the first week of February where it had lateralized, has resumed strongly lately.

Current technical analysis sees AGIX in a bullish spiral for the foreseeable future.

Created to generate, exchange, and profit from services related to artificial intelligence, SingularityNET has climbed the capitalization rankings.

As of today, the coin holds 84th position in market capitalization, proving that it has been able to increase its value eightfold since 1 January.

On-chain data show how SingularityNET (AGIX) is among the top 10 tokens resulting from interest from Ethereum‘s largest whales.

The interest of whales in AI-related crypto companies is a sign that the trend is far from finding an end.

When analyzing the price of AGIX on the chart, we notice that it has made a triangle formation in recent weeks that is likely to lead to a rally on the AI crypto.

According to Faibik, the crypto is about to go into a bullish pattern and he sees a nexus between the retracement of the crypto market and the prospects of SingularityNET.

Alongside The Graph (GRT), SingularityNET is the Token of choice for artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin starts the week with a 2.22% growth taking it to €22358.30.

The combination of Bitcoin’s growth and the interest around AI can only be positive news for AGIX.

The token is riding on the back of this news and, while waiting for a concrete move from Musk, it is enjoying the positive moment to the delight of its investors.