nft crypto art

Crypto Art artist Matteo Mauro has announced the launch of his upcoming NFT “Four Season” collection. The chosen marketplace is Nifty Gateway and up for grabs will be a chance for one lucky collector to win SPRING.

Crypto Art: Matteo Mauro announces the launch of “Four Season,” the new NFT collection

Renowned Sicilian Crypto Art artist Matteo Mauro announced the launch of the new NFT collection “Four Season,” describing the first drop and the artwork up for grabs SPRING (Spring). 

The “Four Season” NFT collection will be divided into 4 drops (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) that will take place on the Nifty Gateway marketplace.

In this first section, the artist points out that those who win an NFT from the first drop of the collection will be eligible for the raffle that features another SPRING artwork, in optimized 8K resolution.

The giveaway crypto artwork is Generative Art of Computational Engravings, and it represents Matteo Mauro’s memory of spring. Here is a brief description of the SPRING artwork that can be won:

“sunshine but rain, fresh skin, longer days, blue sky, blossoming colors, birds singing around jasmine days, green grass awakening, love rejuvenated.”

Crypto Art and the structure of the first drop from Matteo Mauro’s NFT collection

The “Four Season” series is a section of the art project entitled Micromegalic Inscriptions.

Specifically, the process implemented by Matteo Mauro Studio is an ongoing search for a peculiar and identifiable creative language that stops between the folds of the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

“Four Season” consists of four curated drops, one for each season. The works in this series will conceal and depict annual seasonal variations through artist Matteo Mauro’s form, color, and evolving research into the evolution of printmaking technology in the digital realm. His drawing language insinuates and transforms;

The first drop for spring features four artworks:

  • SPRING which is an optimized 8K PNG intended for a lucky collector, current price $35,000;
  • AFTER SPRING BEFORE SUMMER, a 4K PNG with limited edition of 4; The NFT also includes framed physical artwork – current price $28,000;
  • PREPARATORY GENERATIVE ENGRAVING (BONUS), a 4K NPC with limited edition of 10 copies.
  • ALMOST SPRING, a 4K PNG with limited edition of 30 – Unreserved Classified Auction Includes an entry in the Ed of 10 raffle. Includes a 1/1 raffle entry;

The NFT work by Preparatory Generative Engraving provides for distribution as follows:

  • 4x AIRDROPPED to collectors of SuperRare’s “Four Elements.”
  • 4x AIRDROPPED to collectors of AFTER SPRING BEFORE SUMMER on Nifty Gateway;
  • 2x RAFFLED to collectors of ALMOST SPRING.

This first drop with the four NFT works will take place on Nifty Gateway starting naturally from 21 March 2023, the day of Spring Equinox.

The $100,000 sales record for the NFT “Four Elements” collection

Last year, Matteo Mauro set his new $100,000 sales record for the NFT “Four Elements” collection. Specifically, that record did not take into account Earth, the last element that was then auctioned, after Air, Water and Fire.

Indeed, last April, the NFT works of Fire, Water and Air had sold for 12 ETH (The equivalent at the time of $35,000) each, on the SuperRare marketplace.

Matteo Mauro’s first art project Micromegalic Inscriptions was indeed a great success. Though it certainly was not the first one.

In February last year, Matteo Mauro together with artist Emanuele Dascanio reportedly sold Mætaverse’s work for $60,000 on the crypto art marketplace SuperRare.