AI will be essential in education — but do kids know how to use it?

As AI becomes increasingly prevalent in education, concerns arise over children’s proficiency in navigating its complexities and potential pitfalls.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere — it can rewrite famous novels, compose songs and create realistic videos. While older generations fear its takeover, the youth of today are embracing the technology. 

A November 2023 study from the Pew National Research Center in the United States revealed that nearly one-in-five teenagers between the ages of 13–17 who have heard of the AI chatbot ChatGPT have used it to help with schoolwork, which amounts to roughly 13% of all teens in the United States.

The same study showed that seven out of 10 teens said it is okay to use the chatbot when researching something new and exploring a topic is okay. However, this raises concerns, particularly when it comes to AI producing misleading or false information.

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