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Key Insights

In place of a traditional blockchain model, the IDL adopts a lightweight multichain approach, with smart contracts deployed across several Layer-1 and Layer-2 networks. The protocol also operates a modular framework comprising four customizable layers that specialize in managing the end-to-end data flow.CARV Play offers a variety of in-game activities and quests, where users can earn rewards like GEMs

CARV Portal

Currently, users who have earned Carv’s in-game rewards, called SOUL, participate in monthly Infinite Play campaigns

At the end of the campaign, rewards are based on two factors: insights on gaming preferences generated from voting and actual in-game activity. Games with the highest votes receive larger portions of the prize pool, which is distributed to users who engage with those games. Players who actively vote and complete tasks earn the most from the prize pool.

CARV will launch with a total supply of 1 billion fully released over four years. The token allocation is as follows:

User activity measures users’ interactions with the protocol’s smart contracts deployed on all supported blockchains. These interactions include CARV ID mints onchain, data mining activities for ongoing airdrop campaigns, and node license purchases. Year to date, CARV-related transactions and unique wallet addresses have surged 5x from under 1 million in early 2024 to over 5 million as of writing.

By August 2024, the ecosystem saw its average daily unique active wallets (UAW) reach 2.1 million as users engaged with CARV’s smart contracts across various chains. However, the majority of the protocol’s user activity is largely driven by CARV ID mints on opBNB, which accounts for 93% of the protocol’s transactions and unique average wallet addresses. CARV’s “Data-to-Earn

Source: CARV

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