Coinbase Expands Board with Three New Directors
TLDR Coinbase has added three new members to its board of directors, expanding it from seven to ten members. Chris Lehane, a former aide to President Bill Clinton and current…
TLDR Coinbase has added three new members to its board of directors, expanding it from seven to ten members. Chris Lehane, a former aide to President Bill Clinton and current…
TREZOR was launched in August 2014 by SatoshiLabs and is the world’s first Bitcoin hardwallet. It offers a combination of secure offline cold storage, as well as the ability to…
A crypto futures exchange specializes in offering a marketplace where traders can buy and sell cryptocurrency futures contracts. These contracts are agreements to buy or sell a specific amount of…
Amidst the buzz and excitement of the Bitcoin community, the occasional headline of an exchange getting hacked makes every Bitcoin user’s stomach churn. One of the biggest concerns many of…
With cyber-attacks happening every 39 seconds, you’ve got a good reason to fret about your hard-earned money and investments. In fact, as hackers continue their onslaught, you may long for…
ETFs and institutions are snapping up Bitcoin, but who’s on the other end driving the price down? It’s more complicated than you’d think. The 2024 focus has been on ETF…
When we think of centralized AI gone wrong, imaginative readers may begin to conjure images of a society ruled by artificial general intelligence-powered robot overlords. Just as the Bitcoin movement…