• While the market may be bleeding, Cardano has achieved a big milestone, hitting one million ADA wallets.
  • According to the Cardano Foundation, 70 percent of all ADA is staked in 2.500 active pools across the world.

It’s been a brutal week for crypto, with most major cryptos losing up to 50 percent of their value. Cardano, which has been one of this year’s shining lights in crypto hasn’t been spared either. ADA is now down 46 percent for the week to trade at $1.28. However, despite the drop, the community is growing rapidly. The latest achievement – one million ADA wallets.

Cardano is now one of the world’s foremost crypto projects, and it has been so for some time now. One of the big reasons has been its strong community that believes in its future beyond the price gains. And now, the results are there for all to see.

The Cardano Foundation took to Twitter to reveal the latest growth numbers.

Aside from the rising number of users, the figures show a community that firmly believes in the long-term prospects of the project. 70 percent of the ADA in circulation has been staked in 2,490 staking pools. This translates to close to $29 billion with ADA trading at $1.26 at press time.

A charitable community and a developers’ hub

The Cardano community is also quite charitable. It has set aside half a billion dollars in ADA to charity initiatives. The rewards that this ADA generates goes to over 100 charitable organizations worldwide.

In a March 31 blog post, the Foundation stated, “Some of the largest mission-driven stake pools make regular contributions to charities such as Save the Children, The Water Project, SolarAid, and many more.”

It added:

Together, more than 10,000 individual delegators—ada holders like you—have pledged a proportion of their personal ada holdings to more than 60 mission-driven stake pools on Cardano. This represents one of the largest collective giving communities in the entire blockchain space, a huge achievement that everyone in our ecosystem should be proud of.

Cardano has also established itself as a leader in the blockchain space for network developments. It has beaten veterans like Ethereum and Bitcoin almost every week for GitHub commits, an important factor to estimate an ecosystem’s developer interest.

Der Beitrag Achievement unlocked – Cardano hits 1 million ADA wallets erschien zuerst auf Crypto News Flash.

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